Chapter 3 - Phone Call

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James' POV:

I can't believe what I'm reading. Connor may still be alive! I look at Brad and his face lights up a little 'are you happy Brad?' I ask. 'The word might is in this sentence, so it means maybe' Brad replies. Tristan sighs 'hopefully he is'. John smiles and grabs the pen 'Don't give up, stay strong'. I smile 'John's right Brad, stay strong'. John starts to write again 'my family and friends gave up on me ages ago, i had no one when i was there, but Connor has you guys'. We all look at John not sure what to say until Joe speaks up 'I don't want to be nosey, but why did they give up on you?'. John nods and writes down on the paper again 'I started taking drugs at a young age and my family and friends tried to help me, but I pushed them all way'. 'I'm sorry' Tristan says and John smiles. 

John starts to write again 'the man takes people who aren't considered 'normal' to him'. Brad looks at John confused 'but Connor is normal'. John started to write again 'Connor isn't straight.....'. I look at Brad and he sighs 'I wish he told me, but he told you 2'. I look at the floor 'sorry Brad'. Tristan apologizes too. Joe then scratches his chin and asks 'what did this man do to you John?'. John grabs the pen again and writes 'He does different things to people, he never does anything the same'. Joe looks at John confused 'what did he do to you though?'. John shakes his head, signalling that he doesn't want to say. 

Brad's POV:

Whilst the others are talking, I start to notice the scars on John's wrist spelling out something . It spelled FAULT. 'John, I'm sorry I don't want to be nosey or anything, but can I ask you a question?'. John looks at me scared, obviously talking about this is bringing back what the man did. John nods slowly and I look down at his wrist 'why does your scars spell out the word fault?'. John shakes his head and starts to cry. 'I'm sorry, don't answer that' I panic.

John grabs the pen and scribbles down as fast as he can 'please don't make me tell you'. I panic again 'I won't John, I'm sorry'. Tristan then speaks up 'would you like to lie down John?'. John starts to calm down a little, but nods. Joe then speaks up 'if you like you can sleep on one of the beds upstairs for a little bit?'. John nods slowly again. James offers to walk John up to bed and John follows nervously. 

Once John leaves the room, Joe lightly punches my arm 'don't ask him personal questions'. I glare at Joe 'you can talk, you asked him what happened'. Joe rolls his eyes ' but you asked him about his scars, you should never ask a self-harmer about their scars. Even I knew that'. I look at the floor 'I'm sorry'. Tristan shyly speaks up 'shouldn't we be cautious about the sharp objects around the house?'. Joe sighs 'I guess so, I'll go and check upstairs'. As Joe leaves the room, Tristan looks at me with watery eyes 'I'm scared for Con, I'm just praying that he'll be ok'. I take a deep breath 'we're all praying Tris, we all are'. 

James' POV:

I lead John up to my room 'erm... here, you can borrow my bed if you like'. John smiles signalling that he is feeling a little happier now, but it could be a fake smile as far as I know. 'John, if you need anything or just want someone to sit with you, just come and find one of us'. John looks at me and then gets his notepad out again before he writes 'James, I'm scared on my own'. I smile 'sure'. I sit on the corner of the bed, whereas he curls up in a ball in the covers. 

I sit with him until I hear a paced breathing, I look over towards him and see that his eyes are closed and he is fast asleep. I stand up slowly and sneak out of the room before closing the door softly behind me. I sneak downstairs and see Brad and Tristan in the kitchen still. I walk up to them and Tristan asks 'why were you up there with him for a little bit?'. I sigh 'he just wanted someone to stay with him'. Brad and Tristan nod and I sigh 'where has Joe gone now?'. Tristan speaks up again 'to check if there are any sharp objects upstairs'. I sigh 'isn't that basically saying that you don't trust him with sharp objects around?'. Tristan and Brad both look towards the floor ashamed. 'Sorry' Brad says. 

When Joe comes back down, he enters the kitchen and his phone starts to vibrate. We all look at him confused and Joe looks at his phone confused before answering it. 'Hello?' he asks into his phone and pulls a confused face. 

????????? POV:

'What did the caller ID say?' a man says and Joe replies down the phone with 'C-Connor?'. 

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