Chapter 19 - Questioning

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Mentions of sexual abuse!

Connor's POV:

I look at the police officers and they smile at me 'don't be alarmed Connor, we are here just to ask questions'. I look at Brad nervously and he smiles 'I'll be right beside you, don't worry'. I smile a little and turn back to the police officers 'i-is this a-about Ramsey?'. The police officers nod slowly 'as you know Brad, Connor I'm PC Davies and this is Sargent Dickinson'. I smile at both of them 'h-hello PC Davies and S-Sargent Dickinson'. PC Davies stands at the end of the hospital bed 'we're going to ask you a few questions. If you can, please try and answer them all'. I nod.

'When did all this start?' PC Davies asks and I think back to when it started 'I-It starts about a-a week or s-so ago'. 'What started it all off?' Sargent Dickinson adds. I shrug my shoulders 'I d-don't know why h-he took m-me'. I see PC Davies noting something down in his notebook and I look at Brad worried, Brad smiles 'it's ok Con, just take deep breathes'. I nod and take a deep breath. 'How did he get you?' Sargent Dickinson asks and I look at the worried 'i-is this when t-they first t-took me or earlier o-on today?'. Sargent Dickinson smiles 'sorry, I should've been more clear. How did he first get you?'. I look down and then back up to the police officers. 

'H-he got me u-using the l-little girl' I reply and the police officers look at me confused 'what do you mean?'. 'Well t-the little g-girl came up t-to me and t-told me that she c-couldn't find h-her parents so I-I said I'd h-help her' I say nervously and PC Davies notes it down. Brad smiles 'you're doing amazing Con'. 

I turn and smile slightly at Brad before PC Davies speaks up 'how did he get you though Con?'. I take a deep breath 'I d-don't remember. I-I just remember w-waking u-up in his c-car. He must've k-knocked m-me out or s-something'. PC Davies nods and asks the dreaded question 'what did he do to you Connor?'. 'A-at the p-place he t-took me?' I ask nervously and the police officer nods. 'H-he erm........ r-r-ra.........' I couldn't bring myself to say the word until Brad spoke up 'he erm......... raped Connor'. I nod slowly before a tear slips down my cheek. PC Davies gives me a sympathetic look and notes it down. 

'Did he erm........ do anything else?' Sargent Dickinson asks and I shrug my shoulders 'o-other pe-people paid h-him t-to erm....... y-you know' I say taking a big breath and PC Davies spoke up 'he used you to get money?'. I slowly nod and I feel more tears slip down my cheek. Brad rubs circles into my back 'you're doing so well Con'. 

'Who found you? As in who rescued you?' Sargent Dickinson asks and I look at Brad 'B-Brad and m-my other band m-members saved me'. 'How?' PC Davies asks and I look at Brad, he smiles 'we were driving and someone ran into our car and it turns out he was kidnapped by the same person. So he helped us to find Con and we saved him by going into the abandoned house and knocking Ramsey out to get to Con'. PC Davies nods and notes it down.

'I think you've had enough for one day Con, so we'll leave you for now and let you rest' Sargent Dickinson says and Brad nods 'thank you'. I smile a little 't-thank you f-for everything'. PC Davies smiles 'no problem, its what we do'. Just as they turn around to leave, PC Davies turns back to us 'Ramsey was saying something like, sorry for putting you through it, do you know what he means?'. I shake my head and look at Brad, he also shakes his head. PC Davies nods 'ok, thank you'. 

The police officers head out and Brad looks at me confused 'I wonder why he was saying stuff like that to the police'. I shrug my shoulders 't-to be honest, I-I don't w-want to think a-about him a-anymore'. Brad pulls me into a hug 'well, what would you like to do Connor?'. I shrug my shoulders 'm-maybe j-just cuddle a-and f-feel s-safe again' I nervously stutter and Brad presses a kiss against my forehead 'anything for you Con'.

Tristan's POV:

I look at James and speak up 'should we tweet off the band account?'. James looks towards me a little confused 'what should we tweet?'. I look to the table nervously 'maybe just saying that Connor is getting better and he is recovering'. James thinks about it 'I think its a good idea, but what if he gets more hate?'. Joe picks up his phone 'shall I tweet it from my account?'. I look at Joe and shake my head 'I don't think thats a good idea'. James nods 'tweeting it from your account would seem a bit suspicious'. 

Joe looks at me and James confused 'why would it?'. James sighs 'because people will think we are avoiding tweeting about it'. Joe nods 'oh, sorry'. I hear someone tapping the table and we all turn to face John and he is biting his lip awkwardly. 'You ok?' I ask nervously and John shrugs his shoulders and signals if anyone has a pen. We all shake our heads and Joe heads up to the counter to ask for one.

Joe returns and hands the pen to John and he grabs a napkin as well. John's hand starts to shake whilst it writes. He hands me the napkin and I read it out 'promise you guys won't be mad at me'. We look at John and all nod our heads slowly. John writes again on the opposite side of the napkin and hands it to me. 'I saw Connor leave the house' I read out and we all go quiet. 

PC Davies' POV: (haha random!!!!)

I enter the interview room and see Ramsey sitting on the chair with his lawyer next to him. I sit down on the opposite side with Sargent Dickinson. I go to speak but Ramsey interrupts me 'I-I only w-wanted them t-to feel w-what h-he went through' he cries out and I look at Ramsey confused before he continues 'm-my s-son hanged h-himself b-because of p-people w-who aren't n-normal'. I open my mouth to speak, but Ramsey continues 'I-I wanted t-them t-to suffer w-what h-he went t-through. I-I'm s-s-sorry!'. 


Hi There!

How are you all?

I am amazing thank you!

Sorry about that random police officer POV haha :D

Also, what did you think of this chapter?

I hope you all liked it!

Also, have you guys seen The Vamps and The Tide doing the Daisharin Tetsubou-Ku Challenge? Its awesome!!!!!

This is the link, just copy and paste it! :D

Anyhoo, you're all amazing people and I hope you all have an amazing week!


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