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I beat my foot to sound of the music which was Beethoven's fifth sympathy. I stared out the small window looking down below to the small villages. I had my feet across me on the seat facing towards me. I had nothing to do. I could hear footsteps approaching me. I turned off my music and pulled my earphones from my ears. I looked behind me to find my mother. She wore her grey pantsuit and her diamond necklace. I removed my feet from the seat to show my manners. She seemed stressed as she sat down and faced me. I could tell she was waiting for me to use my proper methods, I sighed not wanting to sit up straight. I eventually did just to please her. I then tucked my hands together in my lap.

"Now, I have a number for you to call in case anything bad happens, if you ever need to use, please do so."

She told me handing me a sticky note. I read the number 809-375-9295. I memorized the number and crunched up the sticky note.

"Mother, do I have to go?"

I asked once again to see if I could find a little agony from her. All I wanted was to be lazy and stay home, but last time I was alone at home, I almost caught the whole damn place on fire.

"No, you are going to see your father, and that's final. Besides, you haven't seen him for over five years, he lives in London now, and London is an exciting place to stay at."

She answered showing a little sympathy towards me. I knew London was an exciting place to go I went when I was eight. I sighed and looked out the window once again.

"This trip is only so Andrew, and I can have some time alone."

She said. I rolled my eyes slightly. Oh, yes please do bring up my step-father one more time!

"This is the only Thanksgiving I will spend with him, I let you go on this trip alone."

I spat. I was pissed. It was Halloween, and here I was on a plane headed for London to spend a whole month with my biological father. It was just a waste of time.

"It's only thirty days, and then you can come home, I need you to do this just for me, the court orders do require for you to spend a week with him every year and for the last five years, we have missed that week. Besides, you will be in college by next Thanksgiving."

Mother strictly told me. I wasn't getting anywhere with this. I needed something to do.

"Who is our flight attendant for today?"

I questioned mother. She rose her eyebrows in confusion. She then turned around to look at the flight attendant. She then turned back about satisfied.

"It's someone new, her name is Dakota. I believe."

Mother answered. I looked over the chair to find her. I observed her. She had little orange hair on her tight legs. I could see her hair was neatly piled onto her hair, though not as neat as where it looked like she spent time on it. Her eyelashes looked messy, which meant she did them in the car. Then she had writing all over her hand, which tells me she either is in college or has a toddler. I looked at her ring finger, no ring. I looked at her face, she was no older than 22 I turned back around to my mother who was waiting for me.

"She owns an orange cat that rubs on her legs when she is doing her hair. She was running late this morning because she had to get her toddler to her mother's house. She also did her makeup in the car, that's why her mascara looks bad and not professional. The next trip she makes to the bathroom is to fix up her makeup."

I explained to my mother. She crossed her arms and began to giggle.

"You look nothing like your father, but you certainly do have his mind."

She told me when she finished giggling. I slightly sighed, I didn't even know how this guy was my father, all I had was his mind, and it wasn't convenient for any one of us.

"720 hours with him, I don't know if I can do this."

I claimed to remember of the last time we last met. It was a terrible time, he made this lady watch me a majority of the time, he even forgot my name. I felt rejected by him, and it hurt me deeply.

"I was saving this for the last minute, but just to cheer you up I found out One Direction was playing in London on November 14, I bought both you and Katie tickets. She is flying down on the twelve with her mother. You will all meet up in the same place, your limo driver knows where."

Mother explained to me as she handed me One Direction tickets, I had seen them three times already, I was bored of them. I was way more interested in a therapeutic class. I could see my mother put a lot of work into this. I needed to be pleased or act it at least.

"Thank you, mother. I'm so pleased."

I told her as I hugged her over the small table in between us. When my face was away from her view my smile vanished. When she let go, I smiled and looked at her.

"Ladies, we will be landing in two minutes, if you, please buckle up."

Dakota asked politely. I nodded my head and sat back down. Mother stood up and smiled at me.

"Remember the address 221B Baker Street."

She told me. I nodded and looked up at her.

"Yes, of course. It is on the left of the street and is 27 minutes away from Big Ben. If I take my..."

I began only to be interrupted.

"Okay! Okay!"

She said trying to shut me up. I bit my lower lip, I usually poured out all I knew at once. She kissed my forehead.

"Just one month."

She whispered. She then left to sit down in her own chair. I looked at myself in the window only to see my reflection staring at me. My long blonde hair curled, and my hazel eyes were looking bold. I looked nothing of my father they called Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlocks Daughter AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now