Back at home

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I sat up, cold sweat was on my forehead. I gripped my stomach in pain. The pain then went away.  I looked over at my friend who was sound asleep next to me. I threw the sheets off of me and quietly left my room. I closed the door as soft as I could. I turned around and went to the kitchen. My father sat in his thinking chair. He looked up at me as I approached him. I sat down in John's chair and warmed my feet by the fire.

"You have to leave, you have to go back home by next week."

My father broke the silence. I turned to him with a questionable look on my face.


I asked. Dad stood up and went to his kitchen. He looked through a microscope. I knew he didn't want to answer my question. I sighed slightly and threw my legs over the armchair.

"Oh please, you know why you can't stay."

Dad answered as he came up from his microscope, he wrote something down on his notepad and then walked over to his chair. He sat down improperly and hung his head low slightly as if he was staring at the floor.

"Things are going to get too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt again."

He stated as he turned to look into the fire. I looked into the fire as well. The flames danced around.

"I don't want you to get hurt, either."

I replied. I could feel his eyes gaze upon me.

"Don't be around to watch your father fall to crumbles."

He said to break the silence. I turned to him and gasped at what he just said.

"Fine, just know wherever you go I follow close behind."

I sassed back. I got up out of the chair and fixed my sweatshirt. I started to head back to my room.

"Those places do not concern you, stay away and you will be safe."

He fretted. I stopped near his microscope. I looked down at his pad of paper.

"Safe is for those who are eager for boring lives, safety doesn't concern me."

I finished. With that, I held up my head and left the kitchen to my bedroom. Katie was sound asleep and had gathered up all of the blankets. I sighed only to let frost air come out. I grabbed my phone and began to check my social media. I had received a text. I went to the unnamed number.

"Be careful, little girl. You don't want to be involved in the game Sherlock and I have."

I read. My face went pale. I deleted the message in hopes that it wouldn't haunt me one day. I slipped down in my bed and stared out in the blackness of my bedroom. I clenched my pillow. Who the hell who sent that?

"Amelia and Sherlock? So the game is on."

A voice whispered. The words cut me like a blade. I sat up and looked around my room. No one.

"Who is there?"

I asked quickly. No one. I only heard Katie's breathe. I laid back in my bed. I closed my eyes and tucked my knees up to my stomach. I then opened my eyes to find a face in the window. I gasped and I couldn't move. The face stared at me with black eyes. He silently smiled at me.

"Amelia Holmes."

The voice whispered. Then it dispersed from the window. I then sat up and ran out to the living room where dad was.


I cried as I ran to him. I flung myself on him and began to cry. I could tell he was hesitant at first then he wrapped his arms around me. I was scared. I didn't know if it was a side effect of the medication I was on, but I had seen something that wasn't pleasant. I laid in his arms until I finally closed my tired eyes.

I don't know how I fell asleep and when, but I woke up on the couch, my father was sitting near me and kept his icy green/blue eyes on me.

"You're leaving tonight, Katie packed your things and your flight leaves in an hour."

He informed me when he noticed I was awake. He then got up from his chair and walked over to the kitchen. I got up and looked around. It was in the afternoon now. I looked out the dusty window to see that the sky was dark. I got up and walked over to the window.

"Flight delay, I won't be leaving for another four hours."

I said. I put my hands behind my back and turned to my dad. He gave me a questionable look.

"It's going to snow."

I answered. His look changed from questionable to astonishment. He opened his mouth to an O shape. I closed the curtains and went over to the fire.

"I've never seen snow fall, I've only seen the result afterward, I live in Arizona during the winter and then I live in New York during the summer."

I said as I warmed my hands near the fire.

"Shouldn't you go get ready or something?"

Dad asked. I turned to him and then stood up straight.


I replied. I began to walk to my room when a newspaper with one's face on the front.

"That's him. That's the man I saw last night at my window."

I exclaimed as I pulled the newspaper from the pile that was over it. I examined the face and then looked at the headline.


I questioned him. He looked with fearful eyes.

"I'm afraid he's back. Don't tell anyone about this, please?"

Dad asked. I put the newspaper down and turned to him.

"Afraid he's back?"

I questioned. I ran my fingers through my hair and waited for his answer.

"He killed himself almost three years ago, I thought he was all gone, but I got a text, last week while I was in the hospital, he was coming back for me. I didn't want anyone to know, but since he is trying to hurt you, I need you to return home."

He explained to me with sympathy to his words. I put my hands into my sweat pockets. I was frightened by this man. If my dad was scared of this man I needed to leave. I stood there like a moron thinking to myself.

"I called your mother, she tells me that your flight will fly you to Arizona and she will meet there next week."

Dad said to break the silence. I sighed slightly. I looked up to my father with sad eyes.

"Will I ever see you again?"

I asked. He looked down at the floor, he looked up with a little smile.

"Don't worry, Mary will need a babysitter when she has the baby."

He replied. I lept into his arms and hugged him. He laid a kiss on my head and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you, Amelia, you will always be my backup brain."

Sherlocks Daughter AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now