So it begins..

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I sat on the plane. I looked out to snow falling. I closed my eyes and put the mug to my lips and sipped a bit of the delicious coffee. I was right, we had a 4-hour delay. The pilot had exited the plane a little while ago just to get a drink. I was bored to death and I had no one to talk to since Katie was taking another flight back which was taking off tomorrow. Her Mother was meeting her for a coffee tonight and then they would head home that following morning. My phone began to buzz. I looked down at my phone to find it was my father calling me. I answered it.


I asked. Just then the pilot walked onto the plane and locked everything up. I turned my focus to my father.

"Amelia, where are you?"

He asked me. I looked out the fogged up window.

"In the jet."

I answered sitting up better in my seat.

"Amelia, you need to get out of there, now!"

He told me with great concern. I looked around trying to find any clues that Moriarty was on board. 


I said standing up and going to the front of the plane.

"Alright, stay on the phone with me."

He declared. I put my phone on my shoulder.

"May I get out?"

I asked the pilot. The pilot turned around. I gasped.


I cried. He stood up and before I could react a needle was thrust into my neck. I turned around to find the flight attendant smiling at me. I fell to the floor with no one catching me. I was stiff. Did they paralyze me? I began to make groans to fight the injection. I began to cry.


I cried as my vision became blurry. I could hear my dad on the other line yelling and questioning

"Night, night, Amelia."

Moriarty said as he lingered over me. I growled under my breath. Just like that, I was out.
I woke up in a dark gray room. I looked around, I was still stiff. I was weak and couldn't move too much.

"Welcome, Masie."

A voice echoed the room. I looked around only to find the face that gave me nightmares.

"Wh-where am I?"

I asked trying not to sound weak. He smiled at me and walked over to me.

"This is your new home! Of course, this room won't be your room, no this is the torturing room. I'm going to house you with me and I'll make you feel like a princess."

He answered. I could feel my body begin to shake and suffer under the injection.


I questioned. He moved over to me and gave me a Grinch smile.

"Dad? Oh no. no. no. no. no. You mustn't speak like that, you have no father, Masie, you're an orphan."

He lied. I wanted to rip out his tongue. I had a father and his name was Sherlock Holmes. My name was Amelia after the famous pilot Amelia Earhart. My name was not Masie, I wasn't a 'pearl'. I sat up though it stung all of my nerves.

"I am no Masie, I am an Amelia who has a father who will kick your a-"

Right then I was interrupted by a buzzing swift of electricity. I gasped and fell to the wet floor. There I sat crisped and begging for mercy through gasps of air. Moriarty kneeled down next me and looked into my eyes.

"Oh Masie, you mustn't do that,"

He warned me. I closed my eyes. I could hear him get out his phone. He then took a picture and sent it to someone. Most likely my father

"Now come on Masie, we have a lot of torturing to do."

Sherlocks Daughter AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now