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So what is RMagazine about?

It's a fan account/a magazine managed by me runningmanmaniac and Autobotleader55!!

This magazine features everything you can think about Running Man, gossips and news, everything you would like to know!!

Nevertheless, there will be many contests, story promotes, quizzes and polls all about RM. So think you know everything about Running Man? Moreover, you might also get to ask the members a few questions, so check out @RMagazine now!!

Also, want to be a part of @RMagazine, whether you want to be an editor, admin or writer?

Look out for contests that will be held by @RMagazine shortly!!

So, don't forget to follow us RMagazine and show your support by checking out our Magazine and don't forget to leave your comments and votes! :D

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