We Meet Finally

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Grace's POV

Today is the day i get to meet my dad for the first time. I am going to be flying out from New Orleans to Vegas to go live with him. Once i get off my plane i am going to be picked up by one of my dad's friends Billy then i will go to my dads house and meet him finally. We leave for the airport in 15 minutes the i will get on my plane ride to Vegas my Aunt Caldia doesnt care if i am taken care off or not i figure because when i get there she is going to say good bye and then leave before i get on my plane to leave for Vegas. I am so excited to finally meet my dad and his friends finally. I am wondering how they act when they arent on the tv screen. I wonder if they still act the same or if they act differently. While i am lost in thought we get to the airport and my aunt tells me goodbye and to leave. I knew she didnt like me but damn she could at least act like she liked me while i was leaving her and the rest of the family behind me. I am going to miss them so much but i am so glad i finally get to meet my dad i miss my mom. We used to do everything together when i was little and then when she died i was crushed. Once again i get lost in thought but luckily i still hear my plane being called and leave for my new home and for my dad.
*skip the flight*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I finally land and meet Billy. He seems pretty cool he has his hair styled in a spike style. I really like it. He asks"you must be Gra i am billy""nice to meet you billy yes i am Gra" I guess i got a new nickname I like it though.
Billy's POV
I see Zak's daughter there's no denying that that is his daughter she looks just like him except for her fading hair color from where she has dyed it. Her eyes shimmer a beautiful blue color you cant help but fall in love with. She has the voice of an angel. We need to get back to Zak but all i want to do is have her all to myself. She is so beautiful i cant help but to fall in love with her. She finally speaks up and says "I think we need to be leaving now dont we" i say "yeah we do sorry"i chuckle at the end. The whole ride from the airport she is singing to green day, my chemical romance, linkin park, frank iero, and three doors down. She has a wonderful voice. Once we pull up to the house she gets out and her dad comes out to greet us along with nick and Aaron.
Nick's POV
As soon as i saw Grace i knew i had to have her she is so beautiful but one thing Zak would kill us if any of us touched her at all. But its so worth it. She has her dads blue eyes but her changed to green when she got inside she has her dads black hair but hers is in long curly longs that i love. I had to leave for a moment right as Zak is crying which is very rare to see so i wanted to cherish the moment. But i couldnt the more i look at Grace the more i want her. She noticed me leaving because she let the rest of the guys get her stuff and she came to check on me. She already seems so sweet and loving and caring and awesome and i got to have her as mine i got to. But i have to have control over myself. When she came to check on me she asked me "are you okay i saw you walk away"i looked in her eyes they were filled with worry care and lovingness so i said"yeah i am okay i just need a moment". She wasnt buying it for a moment. She said "i know you are lying tell me whats wrong please nicky bear" i chuckle at the nickname. I wonder if i should tell her i like her or not yet. I decide i should i saw the way that Billy looked at her i dont like it and i need her since my wife and daughter died i need someone like Grace in my life. I start to tell Grace "honestly Grace i think that i may like you more than a uncle way or friend way and i dont if u like me that way or not and now i have made a fool out of myself." I was going to say sorry but before i could she crashed her lips onto mine and smiled into the kiss and pulled back saying yes i do like u more than i should i was wondering if u would be my boyfriend. I was shocked by her words but said yes anyways. I am so going to get killed for this.

Zak Bagan's Daughter (a Nick Groff love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora