Time To Get To Know

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Zak's POV
Grace just got here when nick walked off. I could tell something was wrong but could not tell what was wrong all i cared about is my daughter and getting to know Grace. I am happy she is here. Shortly after Nick walked off and then she wanted to go check on him something told me that she felt it was her fault. But i said okay sure and i started getting her stuff and taking it inside with me. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket i forgot to turn the sound back up after Nick Aaron and i got done watching my favorite movie Dracula. When i answered the call it was our researcher Jason he had found a location that we had to go to but i didnt want to leave my daughter so soon but i couldnt pass up a lockdown so i said ok and hung up. I had my head hung low so i hadnt realized that Gracie had heard everything i had said. She said "your leaving me already i just got back i at least thought we would have time to bond""we will once we get back from my lockdown okay what if you come with us"she says "okay" and i thought i heard her say "as long as you guys dont find out my powers i am fine with that". I am still not sure if i heard her currectly but if i did then she could come of use to us.

Grace's POV
He is leaving already. I should've suspected this i mean this was all to perfect for me to finally have someone who cares about me and all. I wish I would've know this before i came to live with my dad i wouldnt have came to live with him. He offered for me to come with him i agreed partly because i dont trust myself by myself and i also wanted to by my Nicky bear. I cant believe i am dating nick. I hope nobody finds out about this we would be in big trouble then. I am excited about leaving but i also want to stay home. I dont know when we leave i probably need to find that out dont i. I am about to go find my dad when he walks into my room telling me that i need to start packing if i am going with them that we are leaving tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock in the morning. When he says this i am so shocked and he could tell because he starts to laugh. When my dad leaves i start to pack my stuff i almost forgot to pack my razor blade i always carry one and pack one with me when i leave in case i feel like cutting. I havent had that erg here but you never know. Once i get done packing i go to dad is and he is watching Dracula my favorite movie ever i get happy and squel he looked at me like i was crazy or something. I told him it was my favorite movie ever he got happy and smile then hugged and said thats my baby girl. I could get used to this. When we finish all the movies we wanted it was 11 so i decided i would go to were nick was staying in our house and stay in there with him. I hope he nots asleep.

Nick's POV
It was 11 and i wasnt tired for some reason didnt know why. I wanted to see Gracie so i was about to go to her room when she came in mine. I smiled she smiled back and said "Nicky may i stay in here with you for the night i am bored and cant sleep at all and there is nothing to do." There was something i wanted to do yes but no i wouldnt unless she wanted me too. "Sure come on in Gracie bear" "thank you Nicky bear" i love that nickname. We sat in silence for a while before she said "Nick i want to try something with you and only you but we cant tell anyone okay" i didnt know whether to be nervous or not. She kissed me before i could ask what it was she wanted to try but the kiss was a kiss full of passion and her wanting me i could tell. She whispered in my ear "sorry i thought you were ready for us to have sex sorry" she got up to leave but i pulled her down before she could and kissed her and said i am ready if you are. We had hardcore sex for 1 hour luckly she wasnt a screamer or i wouldve died that night. Anyways that was the best night of my life I love grace so much that it is crazy. I dont know what i would do without her in my life. When i wake up it is 5:34 am and zak is standing in my room looking at me with a glare that if glares could kill i would be dead. I didnt realize why he was glaring until i looked beside me and saw Gracie then i realized we had been caught red handed. She started to stir in her sleep so i decided to get up and go talk to zak somewhere else. I could already tell this was going to be a really bad argument.

Zak Bagan's Daughter (a Nick Groff love story)Where stories live. Discover now