Ryan Takes Me In

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Kates POV

My head hurts. My heart hurts. Everything is just a mess. I glanced out the window of Ryan's apartment. It was pouring rain. I haven't stopped crying since yesterday. The day that everything got ruined. After we went to Dom's Ryan let me stay at his apartment because he didn't want me to be alone. Dominic came here and tried to speak to me but it took 3 of the guys to get him out of the building. I just couldn't face him. He finally gave up after security got involved. I looked at the clock on the wall. 6.34 am. I got up about 1 hour ago, since I couldn't sleep. It was dark outside and I felt so alone. I feel like my soul has been tarnished. The love of my life, the one I owe everything to, threw our relationship away. He has no idea what he's done. How can I ever trust him again? I took my left hand placed it on the small bump I had forming. How can I bring a child into this world? Into a conflict? Because I have to face the fact that there is no future for me and Dominic. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I glanced at my ring. Tears pricked at my eyes. I slid it off and placed it on the table. A single tear slid down my cheek. I feel so empty.

I heard footsteps coming and glanced round to see Ryan there. No shirt and hair a mess.

"Why are you up? You need your sleep." He said, with a very hoarse voice.

"I couldn't sleep at all. I guess I had nothing better to do. Why are you awake?"

"I have to go do this meet and greet. And a photoshoot. And go to YouTube Central." He said, turning on his coffee machine. "So, that means Will, Greg and Sean will be here if you need anything. And don't worry about Dom, they won't let him near you."

"Thank's." I sighed. "I have no idea what I'm going to do, and being in my situation, it doesn't exactly make things any easier."

"I know but don't forget that you have us to help you through it. You're not alone Kate. The first thing you should do is go to the doctor for a check up." Ryan said. He was right. I need to make sure everything is okay with the baby. Oh god. My baby. I have a little baby growing inside of me. I guess he was good for one thing. Even though I may not be ready for this, clearly it was meant to be.

"Yeah, I'll book an appointment later."

"Good." He smiled. "Now why don't you get some rest?"

"I'll try, but I'll be up in like 2 hours to be sick anyway." I said, yawning. "Okay maybe some sleep would be good."

"Yes it would. Remember, there is two of you to think of."

"I know, I know. Night Ry."

"Night. And if you need anything, just let me know."

"I will. Thanks," I said walking to the room I was staying in. Soon I feel into a dreamless sleep.

/ Ryan's POV \

I honesty felt so sorry for her. She was a broken girl. She looks so sad. How could Dominic do this to her? She was literally the most perfect girl and he had to go and break her heart. Last night I completely lost it at him but thankfully I didn't hurt him. I just gave him a talking to. Well I pretty much screamed at him. And to make things even worse, she's pregnant with his child. I mean, great timing. He has seriously lost the best thing he had, over one girl. God, I hope that girl was worth it. I really do. The weird thing is, if I put the pieces together, he was acting a little strange the night I came home from bringing my parents to the airport.


I came back from dropping my parents off to a full apartment. To my surprise, Dominic was there. He's been MIA all day.

"Hey bro!" He said, greeting me.

"Yo D. Where have you been all day? I text you like 3 times." I asked, his face dropped a little.

"Oh-I-I was with Jarrel and we were editing. You know the usual. And my phones been messed up."

I made a face, "That's odd, Jarrel was with Green, they had a workshop. I saw the insatgram pics. And you're phone seems fine now?"

"We hung out before and after." He said quickly, "So how was the rents?" Okay, he's trying to change the subject. Weird. Maybe he's just missing Kate.

"Fine. How's Kate?" His face went a little pale when I mentioned her.

"Yeah she's good. I'm acttually gonna call her now. Thanks for reminding me." He said, pulling out his 'messed up phone'. Yeah right. He's hiding something.

"No problem..I guess."

Weird, weird, weird.

Flashback over

I sighed, I wish I put the pieces together at the time, but I guess there is nothing I could do now. Then again, I didn't expect this from Dominic. Its so out of character. He's been cheated on in the past, so why would he want his fiancee to feel the same pain he felt? I guess the sad part is, his actions spoke louder than words. He's gonna regret those actions for the rest of his life. I hope Kate can see through this and is smart enough to move on from it.

I heard footsteps and Greg appeared.

"Morning Cupcake." He said in a girly voice. Typical.

"Mornin'. Coffee?"

"Please. Hey don't you have a thing today? Like a meet and greet?"

"Yep. And a photoshoot. And I have to go to Youtube Central." I said, suddenly I felt like this day would suck.

"Oh dude, sounds tiring." Greg said, taking his coffee.

"I'll be okay. I need you to do me a favor though." I said, setting my empty cup down.


"Uhm, could you maybe not leave Katie home alone today? Like I mean there is going to be you and Will so if you need anything you could take it in turns to go out. It's just I really don't want D-Trix to show up here and her being alone. Just make sure she's not alone and that she's okay." I said.

"Yeah that's fine. I haven't got plans anyway." He said.

"Thanks dude. And if she needs anything just call me."

"I will. Uhm Ryan?"


"Do you like her? Kate, I mean. As in more than friends?" Woahh. I was not expecting that at all. Should I lie? Nah. It's Greg, he'll figure it out anyway.

"Uhm..is it that obvious?"

"Not really but I just know that you care for her a lot and she does mean the world to you. And sometimes I can see the way you look at her." He said, I could feel my cheeks going red.

"Oh well..uhm..yeah I mean I do like her, but I can't help it. I kind of always have." I confessed, "It's not as if anything will happen anyway."

"Well, you never know Ryan. I mean you're hot." He said, causing the both of us to laugh. "Ah, its way to early."

"Yep. I'm going to get ready." I said and left Greg to his morning cartoons. I walked down the hall and my feet brought me to Kates room. I was super quiet as I creeped in. She was fast asleep, she looked like an angel. She was flawless. I wanted so bad to kiss her but I couldn't. That would make things a whole lot worse for everyone. I need to keep my feelings to myself. I mean it could never work anyway. She is my best friends ex, who is pregnant with his child. I mean imagine if anything happened? Dominic would never talk to me again. No matter how much of an asshole he is, he's still one of my best buds. There is a line and no matter how much I want to cross it. I can't.

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