Finally Love

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Kate's POV

I did it. I kissed him and he kissed back almost immediately, which turned out to be a full on make out feeling was something I've never felt before, electricity was running through my veins. I was on fire. I guess this is the feeling you get when you have really strong feelings for someone. We have to face the music now, so I pulled back and I was met with a smiling Ryan. I bit my lower lip and waited for him to speak.

"Woah, did that just happen?" He said after a few seconds.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that since the day I met you." He said, then kissed me again. I am in complete and utter shock right now.

I let the kiss last a bit longer than our previous one. Before I knew it I was pressed up against the wall, Ryan's hands were rested on my lower back an my own found the way to the back of his neck. Would this go further? I got butterflies at the idea of that happening.

This was getting heated. Fast. We found our way to his bedroom, but the make out session remained unbroken. I was backing up to the bed when I fell onto it due to it coming into contact with the back of my legs. It didn't take long for him to adapt to my new position, hovering over me. My stomach tightened.

I pulled back just to take a moment to see how he is feeling about this. I looked at his face, he was so happy. His eyes wee shining. My heart was racing, I've never felt this before. Is this what it's like to be in love? I thought i loved Dom but I've never felt this passion, this feeling is indescribable.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him. I was 100% okay with it and I wanted to make sure he was too.

"Yes. As long as you are, I am." He said, not breaking eye contact. I blinked a few times and nodded.

"Okay." I breathed.

"Okay." He responded. He took less than a second for us to pick up where we left of.

The rest, is history.

/ next day /

I woke up due to the sun shining in and the curtains were right open. I silently sat up and last night came rushing back to me. Woah. It really did happen. My cheeks heated up and a stupid smile crept into my face. I was happy. No, I was on cloud nine. I glanced to my left and Ryan was still fast asleep. My stomach erupted into a million little butterflies. I think I love him..isn't that crazy? I thought he was nothing more than a friend but I guess I never would've pictured him in that sense as I was with one of his friends for two years. Now that chapter is over I think I finally realised it was Ryan who I really love, not Dominic. Yeah I love him but not in the same way. I've been so blind, this is what love is. The feeling I got when I was kissing him was like nothing else I've ever experienced. I got shivers even at the thought.

I pulled my shirt and panties on so I could go and pee and brush my teeth. It was only 7.40 and the rest of the guys would still be asleep as they were out last night. When I returned I closed the curtains so the light wouldn't waken Ryan up. I got back in beside him and picked up my phone.

3 missed calls - Dom

2.55 am

3.10 am

3.30 am

I frowned at my phone. Why was he calling at that hour? He was obviously drunk so I guess I shouldn't even bother replying. He obviously didn't mean it, he does have a new girlfriend and I have Ry. It won't be the same between us and I'll never go back there. I heard a small noise and turned to see Ryan was waking up.

"Morning." I said when he looked at me.

"Hey." His voice was all sleepy and sexy. He smiled at me and I mirrored his expression.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, you make a great pillow. You should add that to your resume." I said and he laughed.

"Well thank you. I do try." He said sitting up. He yawned and then looked over at me.

"Last night was...eventful." He said. It was bound to come up in conversation. I looked at him.

"Do you regret it?" I blurted out. Please say no a spare me a heartbreak.

"Not one bit. I wouldn't change it. Do you?" He said.

"No. I'm glad it happened." I confessed. It was true.

"Good. Ha, we already slept together and I haven't even asked you out. 1-0 Ryan"he said hi-fiving himself.

"Ryan!" I shoved him playfully.

"I'm kidding! Don't worry we're going on a date tonight anyway."

"We are?" I said, playfully.

"Yes. Be ready by 8. Don't bother asking what were doing or where were going cuz it a surprise." He said, dressing himself.

"I don't like surprises..." I whined.

"Too bad. Coffee?"

I just nodded and pretended to huff. If I do this for long enough he might give in and tell me. Either was I'm so excited for our date

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