A Baby and Some Gossip

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Kates POV

I woke up at around 12pm. I guess I needed the sleep. I turned on my phone and as expected. 45 messages from Dom. 3 from my sister and 2 from Demi. I updated my sister last night and she freaked out. She wanted to come out here but I begged her to calm down. She just text me to inform me that she told my mom and she didn't really have much to say. Nice. Your daughter is heartbroken and you've literally nothing to say. On the other hand she's being super supportive and asking me how I was and I was more than welcome to go and stay with them for a while but since I am pregnant I can't really fly. Plus I'll be okay soon enough. It's still pretty raw. But I need to concentrate on the more important thing that's going on, this baby. I went into my contacts and called my doctor. I made an appointment tomorrow for a check up. I'll finally be able to know what's going on inside of me and where I go from here.

I pulled myself up and out of the bed. I found a hoodie on the floor and pulled it on. I'm assuming its one of the guys but I doubt they'll mind. I guess its lucky that all the stuff I brought to LA was in Ryan's car so I have all my necessities. The majority of my other necessities are at Dominic's house since I practically lived there. I need to get them out of there and to my own house. How? I don't even want to think about it. But I should probably do it soon enough.

"Hey Katie." Greg said as I walked into the living room, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm...okay I guess." I managed a small smile. "Where is Ryan?"

"Oh he had a photoshoot and a meet and greet today but he said he should be home at around three." He said turning his attention to his laptop.

"Oh..okay." I said. I looked at my phone. Still had 45 messages unread from Dominic. I sighed.

"I guess he's been texting?"

"Yeah. 45 messages. My phone was off so God knows how many times he's tried to call me." I said. I closed my eyes for a split second and felt that familiar feeling in my stomach. I opened my eyes and knew what was coming. I made it to the bathroom in record time with a very concerned Greg hot on my tail. I had barely anything in my system so it was a clear watery liquid coming out.

"Kate are you okay?!" Greg yelled from behind the door. I would've responded but more sick came out.

When I finished I came out and said I was fine.

"Dang Kate, what was all that about? Are you sick?"

"I wish I was..." I said, getting a drink of water from the tap.

"What do you mean? I mean if you're vomiting you must be coming down with something."

"No, I'm not sick Greg. I'm pregnant." I said and his face dropped.


"Yeah, as if this wasn't messy enough. I'm pregnant." I said.

"You're pregnant?" Another voice came from the doorway. It was Sean. He too looked shocked. I just nodded.

"Oh my god. And what are you going to do?" Greg asked.

"I have no clue. I wish someone would tell me. I mean I'm barely an adult myself, how can I look after another human." I said, it was true.

"Well, one thing is for sure. You will have us to help you out and lets face it, that's alot of babysitters." Sean said, making me smile. He always does that.

I heard the door open again and a very familiar voice. "Hey guys!" Ryan was home. I looked at the clock. It was only 12.30.

"You're back early." Greg said.

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