thank you

398 18 2

Thanks lol for all of u guys like u have NO IDEA HOW MUCH I'M THANKFUL FOR YOU GUYS!!

Like yeah ik its not thanksgiving or anything but you guys are the best for like every single reason.

I will cherish
I will always remember this even after I'm done with the book.

Your probably like "you only have *insert readers here*"

I was probably the first arzaylea and Luke book on wattpad like no joke.

Right when I saw the pic I instantly went onto wattpad and made this book I was rlly annoyed and this was my only choice.

Then the other books came in they have like 40.6K or something but like I don't really care.

Omg I'm saying like,like a lot.

ANYWAY thank you guys for all the support and the comments and votes.I really appreciate it.

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