*a suprise*

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Ok so there's only one part to this because I can't really figure out a way to make a part 2 but if I do I will.

There's some things we haven't thought of yet.maybe we have.I know I have.I just didn't want to accept it.

I had a very hard time processing this relationship.it was probably about a weeks time.

It was most likely longer than that.

But anyways.Maybe,just maybe-i don't want to say this at all-he really likes her.

Maybe Luke is happy with arzaylea.

Just remember when Ashton and bryana started dating.Remember when we didn't like her? Well I do(too).

I was scared that she would hurt Ashton.But she didn't her and Ashton are so happy together.I couldn't be happier for him.I honestly regret putting them through all that.

Now its Luke's turn.I know Luke is an adult now.He can take care of himself.Even tho we will always be there for him no matter what.He can do anything he wants.Well if its not illegal- obviously.We just have to trust Luke.

We have to hope the best for them.No matter how hard it is.

Even if you don't like them together.You should hope for the best.

We need to accept his happiness.

If she hurts Luke.We'll handle it later.

But for rn we just need to be happy for him.

I myself will need to accept this.

This is a step by step progress.Like drugs Lol.


K bye ty for Reading.

The story of Luke and ArzayleaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang