Crashed Cars and Hot Mechanics

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I stared out from the window in our dorm room, revising my day so far. The chemistry classes here were even longer than the ones I had back home. I swear it was more entertaining watching grass die. Beck hadn't come back from her art class yet and I wondered where she was held up. I sighed and began unpacking all of my clothes and putting up notice boards for important notes about events or extra-curricular activities. I tried to get my mind off of things. I still couldn't shake the strange feeling I felt this morning. Though it had dissipated, it hadn't disappeared and I was beginning to wonder what it could be because I finally ruled out being homesick.

Hearing the door open I turned around and smiled at Beck as she entered the room and placed her canvas and dirty art supplies on her side of the room.

"How far is the art room?" I asked casually.

"Not far, down the hall and to the right. Why?"

"Nothing. You just took a while to arrive is all," I replied, folding some of the clothes that got messed up due to the flight. 

"Well, besides cleaning up the desk and lugging around all of this stuff, someone came up to me. Funny story actually,"

"What? Why?" I asked and smiled, wanting to hear what she had to say.

"David came up to me and asked about you," she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Who's David?" I asked, confused.

"Who's David?! Oh please, longish dark hair? Leather jackets? Beanies on his head almost every day? Thinks he's really funny?" she hinted and listed all the facts that she knew about his appearance.

"Oh, yeah. He's in my chemistry class but I didn't even talk to him. What did he ask you about?"

"Oh, not much. He just wanted to know if you're my new roommate. Minor stuff,"

"So this David guy doesn't do this often? I presume," I asked her.

"Never actually. I won't say he's reserved because he's not so I don't know what came over him. Damn, your first day and you've already got hottie Harrison wrapped around your fingers," she nudged me with her elbow as she walked by.

"I don't need some bad boy player chasing after me," I told her, remembering Tyler. I'm glad my mum warned me about him. Definitely dodged a bullet there.

"David's not like that. Def under the radar. He's loud and funny, yeah but he's really sweet. He hangs out with Tucker all the time and that alone keeps him out of the popularity circle but pretty much everyone likes him. He's a nice guy," she said honestly and helped me with folding the clothes. 

"Hey Beck, do you have a car?"

"Sure do. Why you askin'?"

"My dad shipped over one of his older cars for me and I need to go get it. Do you mind if you drive me there?"

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