Raisins and Dates

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I brushed my hand through my messy, long hair. It's almost been a week since I joined college and moved all the way out here and I'm already having to deal with assignments. I huffed and stared at the blank page before me. My English teacher wanted us to write a short, fantasy story. Simple enough really but I was having trouble coming up with ideas. Funny considering I'm a werewolf. Then it dawned on me. I could write about a werewolf! Why not? I knew all about them. I knew how it felt to run in wolf form, feeling the wind brush against my pale, white fur, feeling the soil beneath my paws and the adrenaline pulse through my veins. 

"The assignment sucking the life outta you?" Beck interrupted my train of thought.

"Don't all assignments do that though?" I replied with a smile.

"True that," she said and put down her art supplies in the corner as usual. It felt strange. I'd known about Beck for less than a week and I already felt as if she was my best friend. I remember feeling sad about leaving my friends behind but now I had new ones. 

"I'm going to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. Wanna join?"

"Um, yeah. I'll be right there," I replied and typed a few sentences to get the story started. After finishing a few paragraphs I felt confident that I'd be able to finish this later on for tomorrow, so I got up, grabbed my bag and went to mete Beck downstairs.

La Push was a tiny town in the middle of no where, unlike this place. I still hadn't gotten used to the amount of people around. Opening the cafeteria, I felt lost. People all rushing about, tons of tables everywhere, people talking loudly. I was not in my element and I felt stunned for a second there. Then, I saw Beck stand up, waving her arms like crazy. Her bright pink hair helped me locate her quicker. I shook my head and laughed as I walked towards her table, noticing a young man beside her.

"Finally! Did you write the next bible?! By the way, this is my friend Tucker," The young man looked up and smiled at me before going back to whatever he was doing on his laptop.

"How come I've never seen you around before, Tucker?" I asked him. Considering I've been here for six days I should've met some of Beck's friends by now.

"He doesn't leave his dorm much," Beck answered for him,"Too busy playing video games,"

"Hey! I've got a reputation to uphold," he laughed. 

"Well, I'm going to get some lunch," I announced, standing up.

"You do that," Beck smiled and moved closer to Tucker. He was uncomfortable by her being so close because a faint blush appeared on his cheeks as he tried his best to focus on his screen once again. I smirked at her. She just loves messing with people, doesn't she?

Bumping into a few people, I finally arrived at the desk and ordered a toasted bread with some chicken. As I was waiting, I felt the shivers again. This was getting old, I thought and soon after, felt a presence behind me. I could feel heat radiate off of the person and felt his warm, minty breath on my neck. My breath caught in my throat and my palms began sweating. I knew who was behind me.

"Poof," David whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" I asked and turned abruptly to face him. Our faces weren't but a few centimeters apart. I was surprised and didn't expect him to be so close. I looked into his dark eyes and felt his piercing into mine. I didn't want that moment to end and I saw him beginning to act nervously. He was not comfortable with being nervous. He wanted to be in control of his emotions and as soon as he felt his control leave, he brought his confident side out, so of course, he had to ruin the moment.

"I'm here. What are your two other wishes?" He smirked. I shook my head at him.

"Worst line ever," I told him and began walking towards Beck's table.

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