Mr. Hallaway's Porsche

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Hey guys. I'm sorry that this chapter is so late. I hope this chapter makes up for my absence. Please vote or comment if you like it! I'm doing this completely for free, it only takes a few seconds and it makes my day! I know most of you will just read this and move on but I want to especially thank all of my fans who comment and are so kind and friendly to me! It really means a lot!!!

I paced for ages in my room. The immense swirl of emotions coursing through my veins were over-whelming. I was excited to go out with David but I was also really nervous. Mostly though, I was terrified. Terrified because I knew that at some point I had to let him know condition? How would you react if someone told you they were a werewolf? Laugh in their face probably or never speak to them again thinking they are strange, strange person.

I bit my lip and dialed my mothers number. Beep...Beep...Beep...

"Hello?"My brother answered the phone.

"Jay it's me. Pass the phone to mum," I said, wanting to get all of this off of my chest.

"Oh really? Why?" he said. I could imagine him grinning like an idiot on the other end of the line. How I wish he remained an innocent child in those lightening McQueen PJs but those days were far gone.

"None of your business! Now pass the stupid phone!" 

"Oh darn, mum's not here," he replied non-chalantly. I swore under my breath.

"Ronnie! I got the pizza!" I heard Kat call from the background.

"Jay, you ass! Give mum the phone!"

"What's the magic word?" he said slowly, elongating 'word' at the end of the sentence.

"Ugh, pass the phone to mum...please," I surrendered. Beck started giggling next to me before I flipped her off. I took the opportunity to leave the room. I didn't want Beck hearing the whole 'werewolf' stuff.

"Hey sweetie, Jay said you were...on edge," my mum sounded concerned.

"Of course he did. I'm fine mum,"

"How's college?" 

"It's great so far, I just need some advice,"

"Shoot," she said.

"Mum...I think I found my...mate," I confessed. I felt a bit embarrassed telling this to anyone.

"That's great, sweetie! Awh, who is he? Are you dating?" she gushed.

"His name's David and not yet but Mum...he's of us. I don't know what to do. When the time comes, how am I going to tell him?"

"I find it strange that he isn't a werewolf. It's rare for the male to not be a one during imprinting but don't worry honey, I'm sure you'll find a way. God knows, many men have had to break it to their girlfriends that they turn into a glorified dog whenever they please," she chuckled. I laughed too.

"Okay, thanks mum. I miss you," I said truthfully. Even though I felt as if La Push was holding me back, job wise, I still missed it and part of me wanted to go back home.

"I miss you too sweetie. Dad and Aunt Kat say hi!" 

I cut the call and let out a breath. Well, I wasn't going to let David know any time soon. I'll figure it out as I move along.


I quickly had a shower, got dressed and did my hair. I put my keys and phone in my small messenger bag and grabbed my leather jacket from the closet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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