Blue Jewel

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I wake up, to find Beth crafting something, I don't know what it is,but it's made of Iron.

I Ask Beth what she is doing, "Hey Beth, what'cha doin'?"

"Kie You're Awake!" she says.

I Then walk over to her hug her, and ask her what she is crafting.

"I went Mining and got some Iron, Im crafting you a Suit of Armor and, A Pickaxe.

"I will keep the sword, so I Can defend you! :)

I Then go Mining, and Beth comes with me.

As Im Mining, There's Lava, and I see something Light Blue!

" What's That?!" says Betthany.

I Dont Know, I say in a whisper.

I walk towards the Light Blue Ore.

And I fall into the Stone covered ground,HARD!

" OWWW!' I scream!

"Kie, OH MY GOD!, Are you okay?"

Betthany Hugging me, I say "I-I-I TH-IN-K I-T-T-S D-I-A-M--OND!"

"Kie, for you i'll get it :)" Says Beth.

She then slowly walks over to the Light Blueness.

"Beth,Be Careful!" I say calmly.

Beth Mines The Stone Around the So Belived to be Diamond.

The Diamond is barely hanging on a piece of stone.

Betthany Mines a total of 3 DIAMONNDS!

"Beth, " I say when we get out of the Ravine.

"Yeah?" Says Beth." I-I LO-O-O-V-V-V-E-E Yo-u!" 

I say as we get towards the house.

Once we are inside our wooden house, I craft a Diamond Pickaxe.

I give it to Beth and we lay down in Bed.

" I Love You Too, Kie" She says as we fall asleep.


The Day It HapppenedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang