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We wake up, me and Beth of course.

"Good,Morning Kie!" Beth excitedly says. "Hey, Beth."I say. " I Need to tell you something." Says Betthany

"What is it, Beth?" I say sadly. "My birthday is today," "Oh My GOD!!"

I FORGOT her birthday!! I think in

My head. "I'll be back" I say really fast.

I run my fastest to the ravine and make sure I have my back-up pickaxe.

I sure have it, I go to my secret mine and mine just enough Diamonds for a

Diamond Helmet or a Pickaxe and Sword. I have to decide."Mmmm."

"Helmet." I whisper.After I make the Helmet, I grab some roses,about, 10 roses. And I head back to the house.

Where I find Beth in a Gorgeous Dress I say "Close your eyes," and I get out the roses and wrap the Helmet.

"Okay, Open!" I say. I give her the roses. " Ooh! Thank you! Kie!" "Just,wait!" I say. And I give her the BIG surprise! " Here Beth," " OH MY GOD! Kie!" She then Kisses my cheek and hugs me and I just lay in the bed Smiling. And we just fall asleep.

Thanks for reading.

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