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Chapter 6?

Anyways! Enjoy!

'We wake up, like everyday.

I get out of bed and Beth goes back I bed for like a hour.I make a breakfast.

Sausage,Eggs,Chocolate Pancakes,And a HUGE omelette!I go to build after I eat my share of the breakfast.I think about making a Tree Farm, I get 10 saplings, 2 Jungle, 2 Oak, 2 Spruce.

And 2 Birch.and 2 extra ones.And I get

Startled by Beth! "Kie, I wanna make a

Water slide into a pool!" She yells kind if loud, "Alright, what do you wanna build it out of?" I say tiredly. " "Stone

Slabs,And Snow, since we have so much!" And so,I make a pool that's a 10X5 scale. "Now the Water Slide!" "Let's make it out of Oak Wood Planks!" Says Betthany "Okay, you can make the base and I'll finish after I make the Tree Farm I want to make."

I say tiredly." "Okay!" Beth excitedly says. After I make the Tree Farm, I finish Betthany's Water Slide.It's now Midnight So, I go inside.and grab a Water Bottle and a cookie, and I go lay down by Betthany, who's reading a book called The Day It Happened.

As she then, turns the light out and

We fall asleep,

Haha funny right? She's reading this story! :) Hope you enjoyed

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