Chapter One

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Why hello there!
I'm Mia, I'm 16 years old and I live in Lucky Puppy orphanage. I know it sounds like a kennel but it's not, it's an stupid place, where unwanted kids live. I've dyed my hair pastel pink for Christmas, it suits me, well, that's what every one tells me.
You may think that i get bullied a lot and I have no friends, but I have plenty of friends, and I don't get bullied at all, to be fair, I'm quite popular.
I can't wait to be adopted, I would love to live in a house with my foster parents, able to invite friends round for sleepovers and parties, but because of my orphanage rules, I'm incapable of that.

I woke up to Alex, my best friend, sitting on top of me, singing the alphabet.
"LMNOP!" I scream, pushing him off of me. He landed on the floor, with his ass facing up, towards 'God'
Phahahaha, the fuck is god? I have every reason to not believe in him because he never answered my prayers.
"Mia!! People are adopting someone!!" Alex shouted, excitedly.
"Give my the stats, what do they look like, how old do they look?" I asked smiling.
"Umm, five men.. In their 20's, possibly 30's.." Alex replied.
"Great. A gay orgy want a kid" I rolled my eyes.
I got dressed into tight black skinny jeans, a batman tank top, and black converse.
Yes, I got changed in front of Alex, so what? He's seen me naked, I've seen him naked.

When me and Alex got downstairs, we lined up, with all the other preppy kids, who strangely, liked me and Alex. Five men walked in, and I knew who they were.
"Alex, it's Black Veil Brides!!" I whispered. He winked at me, knowing it was one of my favorite bands, my favorite was Panic! At The Disco.
I didn't know too much about BVB, I only listened to a couple songs, I didn't know a lot about them as people, I mean I didn't even know their names!!
The tall one looked around the kids, well teenagers, focusing on me or Alex, I couldn't tell.
"CC, like to pick?" The tall one said gesturing to one of the men.
"Um, yeah, I pickkk...." He dragged on, "That girl, the one with the pink hair"
Me? I looked around for another pink head, Red? No. Ginger? No. Black? No. It was me!!

"Alex, they picked me!!" I screamed jumping onto him, probably crushing him with my wight.
"I know," He tried to smile, failing as a tear fell from his eye.
"Whats up?" I asked.
"Your my only true friend." He sniffed.
"And I will be for a long ass time." I reassured him. In the corner of my eye I saw a girl walk in, heading toward on of the men, kissing him. I heard them whisper something, then point to me and Alex. After that they walked into the room, where that CC? was, I guess that meant something good..

About half an hour later they walked out towards me and Alex.

"Hi, I'm Christian, but you can call me CC, I'm adopting Mia, your legal name is now 'Mia Coma' You could call me dad to be honest, your foster mom is at work, she isn't around a lot.." My new dad, CC, informed me.

"Hey, I'm Jeremy, but if you call me that, I will hire someone to kill you in your sleep, so call me Jinxx, this is my soon to be wife, Sammi, we are adopting Alex," Jinxx said, smiling at Alex.

We all walked out, them leading us to a tour bus. Where the other three men where sat on red couches.

"Hey Mia!! And...?" The tall one said, not expecting Alex.
"Alex," Alex informed them, "Jinxx and Sammi adopted me!"
They all said hi, before introducing themselves.
"I'm Andy, that's Jake, and that one, looking at boobs, is Ashley." The tall, dreamy one told us.
"We have rules" CC smirked, "1. No smoking, drinking or drugs, 2. No swearing, 3. No sex, 4. 8:30 bedtime."

I rolled my eyes, "Um, 1. I'll drink all I want and I'm only smoking a e-cig, 2. Fuck you wanker, 3. Can't promise anything, 4. 2:30 am at the earliest."

"Imma double on that, apart from, I only drink"

"Well okay then, Mia come here" Andy asked, I walked over, there was no space to sit so I just stood, "Sit on my lap"
I slowly sat on him, apologizing for my weight.
"Shut up, i can't even feel you, your so light!!" Andy smiled, "I love your hair!"
"Thanks, I was thinking about going red and black after Christmas, like Ash Costello's!" I explained.
"I think you should, you'd look even hotter with that hair!" He flirted, i thanked him again, looking over to see Alex talking to Ashley, blushing, it's obvious he's into guys, I wish he would just come out to everyone, so I wouldn't have to keep it a secret..

"Mia, I need to talk to you!" Alex called me other, leading me into the kitchen.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Do you think I should tell them I'm bi?" THANK GOD
"Yes, right now, what makes you ask?" I asked.
"Ashley.. He's amazing.." Alex smiled slightly, awhhh.

As we walked into the living room, Alex grabbed my hand.
"Um, I have something to tell you lot as I'm going to be living with you.. I'm bisexual.." He smiled as they all cheered him on.
"I told you when you first came out to me, and I'm going to tell you again, be proud of yourself, and if anyone doesn't support you, kick them out your life." I smiled, hugging him, stroking his back as a tear left his eye, it was of happiness.
"So...? Wanna get drunk?" I asked everyone.
"Sure!!" Andy called out, soon they all agreed and the vodka was opened first.

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