Chapter 1: A guardian?

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Yoon Jeonghan was a pure, sweet and innocent 19 year old boy who had the mental age of around 6 years old. He had been taken into a hospital after being abandoned by his parents shortly after he was born due to money problems.
In the hospital, he has a friendly nurse who looks after him most of the time and when he's bored he likes to either draw or walk around the garden with his nurse by his side watching over him.
Jeonghan has been waiting for someone to be willing to take care of him for many years but they all believe it'll be too much hard work or it'll be quite strange to have a young adult acting like a child around them, afraid of all the eyes watching and judging. Except, one day the nurse came in saying something about good news.
"Jeonghan, Jeonghan!!" The nurse exclaimed rushing towards him with a smile on her face.
"Your dream has come true, there's someone here willing to be your guardian!"
"R-really??" Jeonghan said looking at the nurse wide-eyed not believing what he is hearing right now.
"Yes, he should be here soon- ah, there he is, look!" The nurse pointed at a young man standing beside the door, smiling at them both.
"Aha, hello Seungcheol, we're glad you're here, you don't know how many years Jeonghan here has been waiting for a guardian, thank you so much." The nurse bowed.
"Y-years?? Oh wow, you're welcome then." Seungcheol bowed back at the nurse.
"Since you've already filled the papers in, I guess Jeonghan is all yours from now on then."
"Jeonghan, get your trainers and pack your bags" the nurse called to Jeonghan who was staring at them both.
"Mm" Jeonghan nodded and does what he's told.
"Bye~" Jeonghan singsongs as he smiles and waves at the nurse after giving her a tight hug.
"Come on, Jeonghan" Seungcheol leaves the room and Jeonghan follows behind.

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