Chapter 12: The Wake Up Call

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"Hey Lou, what's going on?" Niall answered his phone as he rummaged through his fridge for something good to eat. As usual he was starving, but there was absolutely nothing to eat in his fridge. There were left overs, but after his conversation with Lauren the night before he couldn't sleep so the only logical thing he could think of was to get up and eat.

"I'm about to head over to Harry's to check on him per Sammy's request." Niall stood up. Harry's place had food.

"The lad still sick?" Niall shut his fridge and leaned up against the counter. He could always go to Harry's. There was bound to be food there. And an afternoon with the guys would be a good way to get his mind off of Lauren.

"Yeah, Sammy talked to him before she went to bed last night. So she asked me to come check on him and make sure he got some food."

"Oh, well that's nice of you Lou. Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all, that's why I was calling. I'll be drop by to get you on my way over, sound good?"



Niall grinned at the amount of food in Harry's fridge. Louis looked over his shoulder as he placed Harry's food on a tray to take to the living room. "You look like you've died and gone to heaven."

"I just might." Niall responded. Louis chuckled and left the kitchen to tend to Harry. Niall picked out what looked good and filled his arms. Once he was satisfied he shoved a few things into his mouth and left the kitchen.

As he approached the couch he saw Louis and Harry looking at something on Harry's phone. Niall scowled wondering what it was.

"Better not show Niall." Louis said, not realizing that Niall was in earshot. Niall raised a brow at his name.

"Show me what?" He came around the edge of the couch and sat down.

"Uh, nothing at all." Harry was quick to respond. He threw his phone to the side. "Right Lou?" He looked to Louis with that same over zealous smile. Niall still knew something was up, he wasn't an idiot.

"Yes, that's right. Nothing. Now eat your soup Cupcake." Louis tried his best to drop the subject too, but Niall was not going to have any of that.

"Come on mates, just tell me. I know it was something, otherwise you wouldn't have said, now don't show Niall." Louis  sighed and looked over at Harry.

"Should we tell him?"

"We should tell him." Harry agreed and grabbed his phone. He typed in his password and then handed it over to Niall. Niall wondered what it could be. It took him a minute to process what he was looking it. And then his mouth dropped open, but he had no words.

At that second he felt every feeling that was possible. He was hurt, and angry, and sad, mad, and upset. What the boys were referring to was a picture Lauren had posted on Instagram of her and Nate. Nate's arms were snaked around her waist and the both of them were all smiles. The caption read 'Celebrating our one month a tad early since Nate and I won't be together for it, happy one month baby! And here's to many more. You're the best. Love you.'

Niall just couldn't believe it. He was supposed to love her, not him! And then it all clicked with him. She hadn't been busy studying, she just didn't want to tell Niall about her boyfriend. And then last night when he called, she wasn't busy packing, she was at dinner with her boyfriend.

"She has a boyfriend! How could she not tell me?" Niall finally managed to say something.

"I don't know mate, rough I know." Harry added from the side.

"This.. this.. this just isn't fair. He's there to be her boyfriend just because I can't be. That bastard. He's good looking too." Niall was still staring at the phone, trying to put what he was feeling into words. He was exasperated.

"Maybe you can win her back or something?" Louis suggested.

"But I don't want to be the person who wrecks her relationship. Man, if she didn't like me she should have just told me. That hurts. And love? She's been with him for a month. Love? What the hell? And she never even told me." Niall took a breath and looked over at Harry and Louis. "Did you guys know?" His voice was laced with hurt.

"Nope," they responded quickly because it was the honest to God truth. Neither one of them had any idea.

"Sammy never mentioned it." Harry added.

"Damn," Niall muttered. Silence descended upon them.

"In their defense, did you ever tell Lauren how you felt about her?" Louis broke the silence.

"No..." Niall admitted sadly. "I was too afraid she would say no. Besides we haven't seen each other since August." It was silent again and Harry ate his food. Then a devious grin appeared on Louis's face. Niall was sitting back against the couch with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"What is it Lou?" Harry questioned.

"Well all I know is someone needs to get their arse to Texas."

"You really think I need to go all the way to Texas?!" Louis raised a brow and shot him a look. Niall nodded. "Right, right. If I want to show her I care I need to surprise her."

"Exactly! Besides I know something that you don't know." Louis sign songed like a child.

"And what's that?" Harry questioned, drawing out the answer.

"We're going to LA for a few weeks after new year's for a few promotional things. And we're off on holiday after tomorrow, so that means we convene in London after Christmas and Niall and Zayn can head off to Texas. You can let Elyse know you're coming, but keep it a secret from Lauren and then one day meet up with them and bam you're there and she won't know what to do with herself." Louis smiled proudly at his plan.

"That's great Lou, but what about her boyfriend, won't he get jealous or something?" Niall questioned. It was a great plan, but it didn't exactly solve the boyfriend issue.

"Well it said on her photo that they would be away from each other so I'm assuming he doesn't live in Texas."

"Ah, good plan otherwise. I'll talk to Zayn about it, but I am sure he would love to see Elyse." Louis and Harry nodded. After their conversation ended Niall got up and went to the other room to call Zayn.

Zayn was thrilled at having an excuse to go see Elyse and he was more than willing to help out Niall. So not even an hour later Zayn was over at Harry's place and they were sitting down in front of the computer, booking a flight to Texas.

Lauren having a boyfriend was like a kick in Niall's ass. It was exactly what he needed. If he wanted Lauren like he did he was going to have to fight for her. And that's exactly what he planned on doing.

It was the wake up call that he needed.


My comments for this story are now highlighted in red and it makes me happy. So thanks to those of you who have commented. :)

Also, I'm posting another chapter after I press the publish button for this one! :)

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