Rule 4: Don't Steal Knox's Batman Waffles

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So school this week was pretty boring, I mean its school. Except for the many punching fights between Caleb and Riley, and Bethany being carried out by Blaine, nothing really happened. It is now Friday and Lacie is coming over the meet the girls. Bethany drove us all to my house and we set up camp in the screening room. We all just talked about gossip at school, when the doorbell rang. We all ran down the stairs to see Knox opening the door.


“Lacie!” Knox screamed and jumped on Lacie.


“Knox!” Lacie spun him around before gently putting him down.


“Knox, Hudson’s playing batman in your room!” I shouted, running towards them. Knox’s mouth formed to an ‘O’ shape before he took off up the stairs, running around the girls.


“Lacie!” I screamed, jumping onto her.


“Hun, I can’t support your weight and my duffel weight.”


“Then drop the duffel!” I said, she did and I hopped off her.

“Okay, Lacie, this is Bethany, Allie and Riley,” I told her, pointing to each of them, she nodded.


“Bethany, Allie, Riley, this is Lacie!”


“Best name ever!” Riley said, high fiving her.


“When did you get such pretty friends?” Lacie asked, punching my arm. I yelped and rubbed it, they laughed.


“You can stop talking about me, girls!” Caleb screamed.


“I will punch you!” Riley yelled up.


“Come and get me, Riles!” Caleb shouted.


“I’ll be back,” she muttered, before stomping up the stairs.


“Well she’s a delight!” Lacie said, smiling.


“Wait til’ you know her,” Allie said, Bethany smirked.


“Ow! Stop!” We hear a very high pitch scream.


We run upstairs to find Caleb blocking his face with his hands and screaming. Riley was punching away at him. Caleb sure is weaker than I thought he would be.


“Oh, hey guys!” Riley smiled and got up.


We roll our eyes and walk back to the screening room. We munch on pizza we ordered earlier and ate ice cream as we scrolled through netflix. We settled on watching Dear John for the 20 millionth time.


Half way into the movie we are already bawling our eyes out. I get up and go to the bathroom to get tissues when I see a figure sitting in the back row  of seats. It was Hudson. He was bawling too. He saw me and straighten up.

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