Familiar Faces

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You see Tace's deep blue eyes that almost look like a dark purple, his snowflake complexion and his blonde hair shining as the sun hits it. You glance over and see Edison's crystal blue eyes, his honey colored skin and dark hair surrounding his face. They make eye contact with you and you see the shock in their eyes. You stumble back a bit, not sure if your dreaming or not. Newt helps the two of them out of the box. They are much taller that they were since the last time you've seen them. Tace looks about 6'3 and Eddison looks about 6'4.

"Wow, the first time we've had two greenies come at one time. Well, welcome to the glade!" Newt says kindly, extending his hand. Tace shakes his hand first, his hand shaking lightly as if he was scared.

"Where are we?! How did we get here?!" Edison shouts, appearing quite angry. You never remember him being angry. He was always kind of quiet and a tiny bit shy. Tace was loud and sort of outgoing.

"Calm down greenie, I'll give you a tour tomorrow..." Alby says appearing from somewhere.

"No, we wanna know now!" Eddison shouts making you jump.

"Woah you need to calm down or your gonna earn yourself a night in the slam-" Alby starts angrily, but you cut him off.

"I will! I-I'll give them a tour..." You say stepping in. You had to talk to them, did they remember you?

"What?! Y/N I don't think tha-" Thomas and Newt start, but you simply cut them off.

"No, I don't mind showing them around." You motion for Edison and Tace to follow you. The three of you walk for a little bit. You bring them into the forest where nobody could see the three of you.

"E-Edison, T-Tace" You stutter still in shock

"Y/N" they stare at you for a little bit and then they hug you. Both of them at the same time, you squirm a little bit before hugging them back. Tears began to spill from your eyes.

"W-Where did you guys go? Why d-did you leave me?" You ask still engulfed in their hug. They step back and look at you, Edison looked like he was about to cry as well.

"They chose us to go be spies for group C, a coed group that wasn't doing to well. We were very angry when we didn't get a chance to say goodbye, but-but we thought you would understand, that they would tell you" Tace says, with the same soothing voice you remember.

"Well they didn't tell me! I cried every night for a whole year! I had no friends! And when all of the other teenagers got sent to the trials, I was the only one left!" You say whisper yelling so the others wouldn't hear you.

"W-We are so sorry Y/N, we are so sorry we did that to you. But, at least we are here now, together..." Edison says wiping some tears from your face.

"I-I missed you guys so much..." You say, wrapping them into another hug.

"We missed you to Y/N" The three of you hug for what seems like forever, until you pull away. You wipe the remaining tears off of your face and smile,

"Well, I'm supposed to be giving you guys a tour even though I'm pretty sure you guys already know what everything is" I say laughing a bit. They smile at me and we walk out of the forrest.


"Whelp, that concludes the tour! I'm hungry, let's go see if I can convince Fry to sneak us some snacks!" You link arms with Tace and Edison and walk to the kitchen where Fry was. The three of you laughing and chatting happily.

"Hey Fry!!" You say happily waving at him.

"Hey Y/N and greenies, what can I do for ya' "

"Well.... I was wondering if we could have a snack?" You say smiling innocently,

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