Chapter 12: Intricate Steps

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Belle told Griffith to open his eyes and he was confused as to why he had been lead to the ballroom. "Why have you brought me here, Belle?"

"Because I have an idea." A smile was on her face as she motioned to the players to begin their song and she walked around the room with a candle in her hand lighting the wall sconces. When she finished she gave the candle back to one of the candlesticks so he had his hand again before she spun out to the middle of the room and looked up at the gigantic chandelier framed by a brilliant fresco. "Based on what I have learned about you, Griffith, the curse that no one willing gives information out to me was placed upon you when you were young because of an impulsive mistake. If I am judging correctly, you were just about to start learning the court dances and all formal training was lost when everything happened. I propose teaching you the one court dance I do know, The Menutian Waltz."

When Griffith did not answer her, Belle took it upon herself to grasp his hand and lead him to the center of the floor. "Belle are you sure this is appropriate? We are unchaperoned and dancing. My hands will be upon your waist and we are neither dating nor engaged to be married."

"The instruments are here and though they are here as our band they are humans first and foremost and can stop at any moment they feel to inappropriate for us. Plus with the way your servants like to watch us we will have plenty of other chaperon's, mainly including your heads of staff, Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts."

"But, Belle. It is not a part of our custom to start something..."

"Why do you continue to worry about a culture that has left us both behind? You have been left here by your family in the abandoned southern castle, and nobody would come near me for fear of contracting the disease they believed my father to have; insanity. Just be quiet for a change, stop roaring your beastly sounds, and enjoy tonight. Is that not what this night was for?" Belle placed his large palm on the full of her back, it taking up far more then it was meant to stretching from just under her bosom to the crest of her skirts, warming the small places within her chest that weren't already aflame at his presence. She grasped his other hand and formed it into the exact position she required of him before placing her hand in his and barely touching his shoulder with their height difference.

"Now you have to lead me, being as you are the man, but I am going to help as I am teaching you the steps." She forced him to take two steps back and narrowly avoided getting her foot stepped on when he almost lost his balance.

"I apologize, having paws for feet makes it hard to be coordinated sometimes."

"You're trying to go against your natural instincts by confining your tail as well; that can be an important key to your balance as well. Lets try it again, we are making a square on the dance floor going in a counter clockwise manner." This time as Belle lead him through the dance moves he managed to make it through without much of a stumble, barely keeping his feet to himself. They kept practicing until Griffith could lead her through the motions without her help.

"Thank you for teaching me, but should we maybe do something more then going in a circle?"Griffith slowed them down from the quick pace they had gained in order to learn a new move, but a smile quickly spread across her face.

"We can try going clockwise?" she said with a laugh before offering up the next dance move. "Step back, one two, step forward, one two." She let Griffith follow her before she turned her self to the right and spoke. "Swoop to the left and step forward. Now lets put all of that together." Square counter four step, hold. Back two steps and forward to steps, swoop to the left, side step. Repeat. Square four hold, back two, front two swoop and step.

"I think we are getting this! What made you think to do this?" Griffith asked.

"I heard the violin music being played over dinner as they practiced their rehearsal. I figured it would be a good idea to come down here as I had passed by it earlier in the day and thought about it. I figured it would be a good idea to help get your mind off of the stress you have been under lately."

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