Solitary Confinement (A Soul Eater Fanfiction) (ATST sequel)

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Solitary Confinement

A Soul Eater Fanfiction; Sequel to All the Symmetrical Things

By Hannah (Snow) Stanley (Tod)

(Please read All the Symmetrical Things before reading Solitary Confinement. You can locate ATST on my Wattpad page. Thank you!)


Dark, black, and ominous, was a room, built from smooth, old stones, and plastered with soft brown grime. Eerie and silent, bright, yet creepy, were four lanterns, which hung from nooks in the rock wall. The shining of the lanterns contrasted creepily with the black, shadowy atmosphere, creating flickering shadows that lapped at the mucky walls. Three beings sat around a wooden table, making the melancholy feel of the vicinity a homier one. One of the creatures glanced at the leader, who was perched upon a stolen red barstool, one elbow resting on the table, with their hand cupping their exhausted face.

“Master,” she whispered, bowing her humble head to the superior, “You are still ill, are you sure you want to project such a thing? Go through with such a plan?”


head scoffed, pulling a piece of faded paper from a satchel at its side. “Master” then spread the parchment out upon the table, allowing their allies to see just what was sprawled upon the yellow sheet.

“The Shinigami, the god of death, is probably the most intelligent, strong, and powerful creature living on this planet. Lord Death is the current Full Shinigami, the superior of the race. We are seeking out the power of these “Shinigami”, so, why not take him? The Full Shinigami would be the top dog, and, if brought into our custody, would bring us the most power, am I correct?” the leader purred, their sharp eyes falling upon their pawns as the duo nodded vigorously in agreement.

“Wrong. Lord Death is growing old, and, even if we were to gain his presence among us, he wouldn’t aid us in any manner, no matter what we were to do to him.” Master paused to punch the tabletop, turning the once suave wood into a pile of bloody splinters. “Death the Kid, Lord Death’s son, is our target. He is young, most likely less wise than his father, and more easily swayed. If we manage to mess with him, to bargain, then obtaining such power would be extremely easy. All we have to do is take a few hostages.”

Both others bobbed their heads enthusiastically, standing in attention. “You there,” Master burst, poking a pointed finger into the man’s chest, “You will make a place for the hostages. It needs to be large, and prepared for a long time of living, for hundreds of people.”

“And you,” Master whispered lustfully, pointing out a window and to Death City, “My dear inferior, will have the pleasure of choosing the prisoners one by one.”

In a swirl of uprooted dust, the two disappeared, ready to fulfill their missions. Master seethed, now alone, now able to laugh their heart out, to feel the pleasure in the depth of its soul.

How mad the world would become.

How beautiful.


Stressed as flippty flop, I wiped a thin bead of salty sweat from my brow, which was wrinkled in worry. Tonight I had a confession to make to a certain OCD freak, and I wasn’t taking it lightly. This slight bit of news about my other-dimensional life wouldn’t be a healthy thing for him to hear. He was going to blow his top, I just knew it. This kind of thing is what bothered him most. This kind of thing made him want to clean the world.

I was making a dish: bumbleberry cobbler. Don’t ask me why, I just think it sound like bumblebee, and bumblebees are related to honeybees and honeybees sting people and bring them pain. And that makes me slightly happy.

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