Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       "Why are we watching this movie?" Melody asked, scooting a bit closer to me on the couch.

       "Because it's a good movie," I said, keeping my eyes glued to the screen.

       "It's boring and predictable," Melody objected. "And who would have thought that you had a romantic bone in your body? I thought you would have wanted to watch an action movie. But a rom-com? Really?"

       I shrugged. "Is there something wrong with it?"

       "No," Melody admitted. "It's just weird."

       "I can handle being weird," I said.

       Melody sighed, standing up from the coach. "I'm going to grab a soda. Want one?"

       "Yeah, thanks," I said before she went to the kitchen. I loved being off the basketball team to be honest. It was even better that everyone at school wasn't ignoring me. 

       Being off the team was so refreshing. I had so much free time to do what I wanted. I remember that in the original timeline, I was on the basketball team every since Freshman year and when I did quit, I was a Senior in high school and my girlfriend was pregnant. And then the twins were born while I was still in school.

       I never really had any free time to myself.

       And Melody.

       Melody walked back into the living room, carrying two cans of soda. She sat back down beside me, handing me one. I thanked her again before opening it and taking a sip.

       Melody hit my leg. "I already told you to get your feet off the table." I sighed, taking my feet off of the coffee table. "I swear, you really have a habit of making yourself at home."

       "I'm sorry that your home is so home-like."

       Melody snorted and raised an eyebrow. "My home is home-like? Thank you, Luke. For stating the obvious. Next time we watch a movie, it's at your house and I'm going to stick my feet on your coffee table."

       "By my guest," I said. "I'd be happy to watch one at my house because then I can stick my feet on the table."

       Melody sighed, leaning back into the couch, her shoulder slightly leaning on mine. As much as I hated being just her friend and not her husband, or even her boyfriend, we were still comfortable around each other.

       The front door opened and I knew immediately that it was Matt. The whole basketball team was still pissed at me for quitting the team and they still didn't know why I was mad. They were really dense about it.

       "Mel?" Matt called from the entrance. "Why is Cosgrove's truck in the parking lot?!" I sighed. Lately, the whole basketball team referred to me by my last name, refusing to say my first name. Same with Coach once I told him I quit the team.

       "His name is Luke," Melody called back. "And we're watching a movie together, so stop being annoying."

       Melody wasn't that happy at Matt for keeping a secret from me. She thought her brother was the kind of person to tell people if something is happening to them.

       Matt walked into the living room, immediately glaring at me. "What are you doing here, Cosgrove?" 

       "It thought Melody made it clear," I said. "We're watching a movie."

       "Can't you watch it somewhere else?" Matt asked, crossing his arm over his chest.

       "Can't you go somewhere else?" Melody shot back.

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