Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

       Winter Formal was finally here. It took me a long time to fall asleep the day before because I was up all night thinking and worrying. If Crystal's plan didn't work and I didn't go back to my regular life, I was going to lose it. Even though Melody and I were still close in the alternate reality, I missed being married to her. I missed my three kids. I missed waking up to Massey jumping on my bed.

       School the day of Winter Formal took so long to finish. I was so distracted and couldn't concentrate during class. Melody noticed and questioned me about it, but I told her it was just family problems. Technically it was since she was my family.

       I put on my tux for Winter Formal a few minutes before I had to leave to pick up Melody. I went downstairs where Mom was talking to Evan. Evan wasn't going because he refused to go to dances. He said he would go to his senior prom, but that was it.

       "Aww, Luke!" Mom gushed. "You look so handsome!" I gave her a flat look, causing her to sigh. "You're still mad at me, aren't you?"

       "Mad is understating it," I said. "I have to go pick up my date, so...."

       "Wait, you have a date?" Evan asked. "Wow, you move on fast from Annie. Who're you going with?"

       "Doesn't matter," I said. "Like I said, I have to go." I picked up my car keys and the corsage I got for Melody, luckily knowing the color of her dress. Since Crystal took her to the mall, Melody probably got the same dress she got in the original timeline.

       I walked out of my house and got into my truck. I drove to Melody's house, wondering the whole time if Crystal's plan would work. She was confident about it and I trusted her.

       When I pulled into Melody's driveway, I got out of my truck and knocked on the front door. Melody answered it, looking extremely beautiful in the same yellow dress. He hair was gently curled and she had minimum make up. 

       "Whoa," I said. "You....You look gorgeous."

       Melody smiled faintly, looking down at her dress before looking up at me again. "Thanks. And you look amazing in that tux."

       "Really?" I asked. "Because I really hate tuxes." I loosened the tie that was around my neck. "This thing is choking me."

       "Here, I'll fix it," she said, reaching up and fixing the tie. "There."

       "Thanks," I said. "Oh, and I got you this corsage." I held it out for her. "My sister picked it out."

       "Isn't she four?" Melody asked.

       "Yeah, but I took her to the store and she told me I had to get it," I said as I put the corsage on her wrist. "She really likes you, you know. Every day, she's constantly asking me if you're coming over."

       Melody smiled. "She's a sweet girl."

       "Yeah, she is," I said. "So, shall we go?"

       Melody nodded, still smiling. Man, I loved her smile so much. It always made me feel better when I was in a bad mood.

       I led her to my truck, opening the passenger for her. She thanked me as she climbed in before I closed the door and went to the driver's side. 

       I drove to the school and parked in my normal spot. The dance was being held in the gym and many people were already heading over there.

       When Melody and I got to the gym, we handed the student standing by the door our tickets before walking in. "Whoa," Melody said. "This place looks amazing!"

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