chapter one

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Don't you hate the feeling like something is missing but you don't know what it is. So you try to find out what it is but fall at it and end up getting really hurt. Well that is me every single day of my life. First we moved to this town next, I have to change high school because of what happened, and now my best friend doesn't even talk to me no more.

I'm done with this shit, i just want to up and go but i can't leave lottie and fizzy hear with our mom. They need me just like i need them.

Today is the first day in my new house. It is a two story with 4 bedrooms and 3 toilets. It also has this cool basement and a attice. It has a big backyard that goes off into the forest i think and a nice front yard. It also has a garage and we have nice neighbors . The one to the left of me has this boy with blond hair that is a bit younger but around my aga and his parents and i think his brother. The one to the right of me has this nice woman with her daughter that is in uni and a son that is  around my aga to but younger.

The house directly in front of mine has a boy  around my age as well but a bit younger  and his sister that is younger i believe with their parents. They all seem pretty cool and all but i don't really like to talk to people that much.

Right know i'm in my new room which is one of the biggest. It has nice grey walls with a bathroom and a closet. Right outside my window is a tree going down to our backyard. Next to my room is lotte's and fizzy's room. They still prefer to share after everything that has happened. Their room is a bit smaller then mine. Then next to their's by the stairs is the guest and our moms room.

Right now i'm unpacking my things in my room getting everything organised. You walk into my room and you see the sinks to my bathroom then walk past that and my desk is right there. My bed is next to the wall and window but not so close. Then at the end of my bed by the other wall there is my dresser and closet. Then by my window i have these chair things to sit on. Everything in my room is grey and black.

Once i finished putting all my clothes away and fixing up the room to make it the way i want it, i go over to the girls room to see if they need any help with anything. Once i'm in there room it surprises me how good it looks. We all got new everything with the money my mom got from what happened.

There room is split down the middle one half painted pink and the other painted blue. Lotte has the blue and fizzy has the pink. There beds and on the same wall and in the middle there have nightstands with a window going to the front yard. They each had a dresser and a desk on their sides, but there didn't like having to share a closet that means an uneven amount on one side and me and lotte have ocd about things being perfect just like my room. Their's is cute and i like it just not that thogh.

"Hey girls need any help" i say when i plop myself down on lotte's spiny chair for her desk. "Yes you should go tell those boys to shut up wall i'm reading if you don't mind ,other than that no were good."Fizzy said looking up from her book and then back down again." Hey don't be so mean they are just trying to have fun. Why don't you go and read in the basement sense it is so quiet and the new hang out room." I say to her just wall getting up and leaving her room to go outside to help finish helping my mom unpack the car since she just got back from getting the groceries.

Once i go outside i see those boys my sister way talking about. There's one with brown curly hair and green eyes, then that blond one with blue eyes and the raven haired boy too. They seem nice but i rather stay to myself. ''Hey mom ,need help?.'' i asked her when i get near the car.'' No lou. You should go talk to those boys hang out get to know each other they are our neighbors after all.'' My mom said closing the trunk and looking at the boys and patting me on my back.

I rather not talk to those boys right know i don't look so good. All i'm wearing is my red pants with a striped shirt and my white vans also some suspenders. I look really weird i think compared to them. Curly has on these purple shoes and baggy pants with this purple jumper on. The raven haired buy is wearing this outfit that makes him look like a bad-ass, and the blonde has on nice white shoes with some baggy pants and some jumper as well. They all seem really nice but i'm not good with new people.

Before i could move away they all see me staring. The blond haired boy waves at me and my face starts to burn hot with blush. I don't wave back but instead just run to my house wall looking down and not back at them. I feel bad cause i don't like to hurt people's feelings but i'm no good with new people. Once i get inside i go to my room and pull out a book and start to read. I have read it like a thousand times but it is such a good book i love the book.

''Lou lou dinner time" Lotte tells me when she walks into my room. I put the book down and get up to go down stairs. Im walk down the stairs and look at the clock on the wall. I was reading for a long time i guess cause it is now 6pm, and when i got back inside from earlier it was 3 pm. Once i get into the dining room and take a set. I look up and my mom is sitting there just eating not saying anything, fizzy sitting there reading, and lotte is sitting there eating and trying to painting her nails.

Once we all finish dinner i get up and take everyone's plates to the kitchen put them in the dishwasher and then head up to my room. Once i go up i change out of my close right then and take a shower i get out and it is now 7:30pm. I get changed into my pajamas and go into the girl's room. They are both already in there pjs and just waiting there for me. I walk over to them and sit on the floor in between their beds. They both look down at me and smile. "Girls i wanted to say i love you and that you did good today unpacking and everything. goodnight girls if you need me i will be down in the basement watching a movie but you two need your rest so go to sleep." I say to them getting up and kissing both their foreheads goodnight then head for the door and turn off their light then head for the stairs.

Once i get to the end of the hall way i go into my mom's room to find her asleep already she did have a ruff day today. So i walk up to her and kiss her forehead. Then i go to her bedside table and turn off the light and head for the door. I walk out and down the stairs going to the basement. Once i'm down there i plop down on the couch and turn on toy story. This reminds me a liam so much. I really miss my only best friend. I really need to talk to him.

After i finished the movie i head back upstairs because it is now 11pm now and i really am tired. Once i'm upstairs i go to my bed and just fall asleep on top of the duvet. I didn't even take the book and things off my bed. I was just so tired i was out on my bed .

Hopefully tomorrow is better then today maybe even talk to that curly headed boy and his two friends.


hey if you guys like this please vote and commete on this book. i should be updating every other day or so.

sarah love 8)

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