chapter 4

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harry's pov

What is on my chest right now. I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Louis with his head on my chest and our legs intertwined together. He looks so cute. 

His fringe is everywhere and his eyelashes are so long and he just looks so peaceful right now. I don't want to wake him, but I really have to go wee.

''Harry you up'' I hear and look over to see Niall on the bean bags watching a movie and eating, and zayn on the futon also watching the movie with niall and eating. 

''Yeah''  I say wall rubbing my eyes with my free hand that isn't on Louis. 

''Ok well how are you going to get out of that mess you got there,'' Zyan says to me and I right away now what he means. I don't even know how we ended up cuddling next to each other last night only that we were watching a movie and then we both just fell asleep I think. 

'' I don't know, and really have to pee,'' I say looking back at louis to try to see a way to get up without waking him up.

"Lou love i have to go pee can you let me up then i will come back yeah.''  I say in louis ear so only he can hear me. He doesn't respond only hold onto me tighter. ''Louis please i really have to pee right now can i get up i'll be right back please love.'' I say again in louis ear. 

''No your warm and cuddly don't go hazza 5 more minutes.'' He says to me but i'm already getting out of the bed with him hugging my pillow.  I leave and go to the bathroom. Once i get in here i go pee then wash my hands and brush my teeth so i don't have morning breath. After I'm done I go back into my room and see Louis sitting up on the bed looking at niall on his phone.

''Hey lou you're up,'' I say to him as I walk over there to him to see if he is ok.

''No I'm not'' he says closing his eyes and laying back down. after he says that my stomach growl and I head toward the door of my room to go downstairs to get some food. I go down to the kitchen to see jay and my mom talk. I walk in and grab a banana for me and some cereal for Louis, niall and zayn have already eaten I think. 

''Hey harry'' Jay, Louis mom, says to me. ''good morning Mrs. Tomlinson and hey mom,'' I say as I go to the fridge to grab the milk and some water bottles.  ''Harry honey please just call me jay. Is Louis wake or is all this for you.'' She says to everything I have out on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

'' Sorry, he and I  just woke up and no the cereal is for him and the banana is for me and the water bottles are for all the boys,'' I say to them wall putting the milk away. 

''Oh well what time do you guys want Louis to go home" She asked me and my mom. ''Whenever he wants to we don't really mind it'' my mom says looking back at me knowing that I like him by  seeing me get him food because I don't do that for zayn or niall when they come over. 

''Ok just send him home whenever,'' She says to me as I pick up the food and water.

'' Yes jay, I'll be upstairs if you need me,'' I say and walk out of the kitchen smiling at jay. While I'm walking up the stairs I can hear jay and my mom talking about the love bite I got from Louis so I start to blush.

Once I get up there Louis is on the futon with niall playing FIFA, and zayn is on my bed on his phone. ''Ow zayn gets off my bed,'' I say when I see him.

''Well tell the fake blond and lover boy to get off mine,'' he says and Louis blush while niall gets up and tackles zayn even tho he just jumped up on him and started to hit zayn's chest yelling ''Take that back you ass.'' Louis is still on the futon but laughing really hard to where his eyes have little crests next to  them. 

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