chapter two

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I wake to the sound of my name being called by my mom. I get up and walk out of my room to go downstairs to see what my mom wants. When i get there i see the lady that just moved in in our kitchen smiling at my mom. " Harry love this is jay she just moved in with her son that is around your aga and her daughters that are a few years younger." My mom said to me. I go and walk up to the lady and say " Hello i'm harry nice to meet you." I totally forgot i had no shirt on and i noticed when my mom started to show me up to my room. Once i get back into my room I go into my bathroom and take a quick shower and then change into some skinny jeans and a white shirt with some boots that zayn gave me. Once i'm done changing and everything i go back downstairs and my mam and jay i think it was are on the couch talking about something but i don't pay attention.

"Harry if you want you should go over to meet my son i think you boys will be good friends'' Jay says to me as i walk into the living room and sitting down. ''I don't know me and the boys waved at him yesterday and he took off into your house.'' I say to her looking down at my hands and fidget with my fingers for a bit. " Oh louis is just really shy around new people but i think you boys would get along." She says to me and i smile. "Thanks and mom i'm going over to Niall's house right now so i'll be back in a bit." I say to her as i get up and walk out of the house.

 I turn left going over to niall's house to hang out for a bit when i feel someone bump into me and i fall onto the floor hitting my bum hard just like they did. " Oops" he says to me and i look up to find the most beautiful person ever. He has pretty ocean and night sky blue eyes and a caramel fringe. He also has cute glasses sitting on his nose and a nice curvy body like a girls. 

I get up and offer to help him up as well. "Hi'' i say to him extending my arm out to him but he doesn't take it. Instead he goes and runs off to his house next door to mine and next to niall's as well. I guess that must be that louis boy. 

He is so so pretty. His eyes and his hair and that curvy body of his like oh m gosh I can't even think. I really need to get to know him soon, but right know i have to go over to niall's house and go to our hang out spot near the crack thing we found.

I start to walk over to niall's house and smile when i see him walk out of his house with a bag and some food for us to go. When he sees me he jumps up and hugs me. I catch him and spin. ''Hi nialler,'' i say to him and put him down. ''Hi h. Are you ready to go get zayn and head back to you house to go?'' He ask me with wide blue eyes. 

''Yes come on" I say and pull him over to zayn's house. We knock on the door and zayn opens it then closes it. When then walk over to my house to go though my back yard to the little lake. ''Hi'' I say to zayn and he just nodded his head towards me, weird. 

We get to my house and go start to my backyard without my mom seeing me or the boys. We go out the back and start to run to the lake thing. When we get there we put our things up in our little club house thingy we built when we were little kids.

After that we go down and start to take off our cloths to get in the lake since it is summer and really hot out today. "Zayn are you ok?''Nniall ask him before i get the chance to ask him myself, i just keep thinking of the blue eyed boy with the nice bum. 

"Yeah i'm ok but my parents are mad at me for something i didn't do and called me a lot of rude and disgusting names. And it just hurts to hear it from my parents at school i get it but from them it hurts me so much.'' He says to us wall playing with the water with his toes. ''Zayn you know they don't mean it they are just mad and wanted to say something bad. There sorry i know they are just don't beat yourself up about it." I say and punch him in then jump in myself.

"What the fuck har." He says to me and jumps on me pushing me under the water. Niall gets in a bit later and we just hang out in there for bit. It was a nice comfortable silence until niall just had to go and say something.

"So the new boy is hot right." He says and i freeze and look up to him. ''I meet his mom this morning when i woke up. She wants me and him to hang out or meet. I bumped into him this morning on my way to get you and he is so hot. He seems nice but he is very shy, and his voice is so angelic to my ears.'' I say without thinking and look up to them with a blush on my face.

"It seems that harry here has a crush on the new boy or something doesn't it." Zayn says splashing water at me, and niall laughing cause of it. ''Hey shut it'' I say and get out of the lake to dry off for a bit. 

They ended up getting out too and drying off as well. We ate our lunch there and then decided to go back to my house and hang out in my room to play some games and watch some movies. Once we got there my mom comes out of the kitchen and says,'' Harry, louis tomlinson is coming over in a little bit. I invited him over so you too can hang out and get to know each other.''

''Mom niall and zayn are here and ok we will be up in my room so just send him up.'' I say and start to walk up the stairs to my room. I turn around to only see zayn walking up to my room with me.'' Where niall go'' I say to him and all he does is point to the kitchen. of curse he is still eating.

I get up there and get some sweets and a new black shirt to where. I hand zyan some sweats as well and a white shirt. I take out some more sweats and another shirt but it is like a green color. I have a lot of sweats. I go into my bathroom and change. Then let zyan zyan in to change. 

I go and sit down on my bed and turn my xbox 360 to play some games.

My house is weird. It goes for the upstairs to the bottom half is normal. So there is the stairs that lead you up to the little sitting area that is also like a gaming area but i don't like it. Then my room right next to it. Then there's a hallway that leads to my sisters room , my mom room , and the guest room. My bedroom is big compared to my sisters even tho she is older. I got the bigger room scene she is off at uni. So my mom made her switch with me before she left 

My room is a nice blue grey. My bed is up next to one wall across from my window that has a bench on it then in one of the corners there in my desk and then the other corner next to my room door has the bathroom and the closest then in the corner next to my bathroom is my gaming area that has bean bags and a futon next to the wall that we move when we play games and stuff.

Right now i'm on my bed waiting for the boys to finish whatever they are doing when i hear the doorbell. I hear niall's feet coming up stairs really fast and bust in my room. I hand him the cloths and he decided to go change in my guest bedroom. This means i'm all by myself wall i'm waiting for the new boy with the nice boy eyes to come up. 

Zayn is taking forever in the bathroom probably fixing his hair and stuff and trying to look good. niall is not here but i can hear little footsteps coming up the stairs. There is  a little knock on my door and when i say come in he pops the door open and it was so cute. He is wearing some skinny jeans and a shirt but it is cold now sense it is starting to get late like around 6ish. We must have been at the lake for a bit then.

"Hi come in don't be shy. im harry and my friend zayn should be out in a bit and my friend niall should be coming back in a minute so just make yourself comfortable.'' I say when i get off my bed to shake his hand. ''hi-i-i im-m lo-u-ui-uis louis sorry i'm- a bi- t nervous.'' He says to me as he shakes my hand. He looks uncomfortable in what he is wearing so when we stop shaking hands i head over to my closet to grab a jumper of mine that might be big on him and some sweats that should fit him.

I walk back over to him and hold out the clothes. ''Here you look uncomfortable in your skinnies so you can use my cloths if you want cause we are going to be up late for tonight. Do you want to stay the night, niall and zayn might too so if you want.'' I say to him with my head looking down and blushing. When i look up he has his mouth parted in shock and takes the clothes then starts to blush like crazy. 

I go over to my bathroom and knocked on the door to tell zayn to get out. He does and doesn't even look up from his phone to see that louis is here and just walks over to my bed and plops down on it still on his phone. I look back up at louis and nod toward the bathroom. He walks over to it and closes the door behind himself. Niall still isn't here and zyan won't get off his phone. I just can't help but to think that tonight is going to be really long and it isn't even 6:30 yet.

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