❊ ten ❊

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michael finally answered my calls and decided to have me over.

i sat in his room, quietly tapping my finger against his wooden chair.

"so this girl?" he smirked softly and i nodded.

"she hates me" i said.

"luke, you basically s-"

"stalk her, yeah, i always hear that" i rolled my eyes.

he shrugged, taking a sip of his full cup of whiskey.

"i didn't come here for you to get drunk off your ass, i came to talk but you've obviously steered downhill ever since ashto-"

"i fucking dare you to finish that sentence" he dropped his cup on the floor, the alcoholic drink fell all over his carpet and soaked in.

"what are you going to do, huh, kill me?" i taunted.

it was obviously a mistake to come to his house. i stood up and walked out after he yelled at me a couple of times. i couldn't handle being in this mood, i had to get out of it.

i went home, opened my laptop and watched her.

she was on the phone with one of her friends from another school, talking to them loudly.

"i don't know harley, i want to help you, i really do, but i have no clue what to do when it comes to a boy" she laughed slightly. i smiled at her beautiful laugh and she sat down in front of her laptop.

"luke? harley, he's fucking insane. do you know that he told me that he watches me?" she furrowed her eyebrows and stared at the computer camera.

"alright, i had to go pretty soon anyways. i love you harley, bye" she smiled and hung up.

"i wish my life was normal" she sighed and closed her laptop, my end going black.

i closed mine, sighing softly and leaning back in my seat.

it was tuesday and she wanted something normal.

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