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 Liam slipped into the deserted building, his specially designed high heel boots not making a sound on the hard wood floor as he walked down the hallway. Glancing behind him to recheck and make sure nobody was following, he hurried up, almost at a run. He still didn't make any noise except for the small whoosh that his body made as it sliced through the still air.

“Liam.” The sound made him freeze in mid-run, then quickly draw out his knife and whip around to face where the sound came from.

A shrill laugh filled the deserted hallway and Liam relaxed, putting the knife back into his pocket. A girl stepped into the dim light, her short brown hair just covering the top of her ears. Her bright hazel eyes reflected in the dim light.

“Don't you know better than to startle me?” Liam scolded her.

“Sorry, it's just so much fun to see your angry face.” She teased, smirking. “Besides, you looked to be in a hurry. It's not like it's started yet.”

Liam shrugged, completely relaxed now. He tugged at the bandana that covered his mouth. “Oh well, better to be early then late.”

The girl also shrugged. “Walk with me?”

Liam and the girl headed down the hall, each silent in their boots. He glanced at the girl. She wore a similar outfit to his, long sleek black pants, a tight black long sleeve shirt. She didn't wear her bandana though.

“Do you know what this meeting is going to be about?” She asked, glancing at him.

Liam shrugged. “Maybe a new mission? Who knows, Bylte.”

Blyte perked up a bit. “Oh I hope so! I'm so sick and tired of training,” she complained.

Liam gave a short grunt of laughter and turned to a door. No sound came from the other side, but Liam knew that was because the room was insulated to make it look like an abandoned building. He rasped on the door in a pattern that only they knew, a pattern that would let the people inside know to open the door and that it was safe.

The door swung open, silent on it's hinges. Liam and Blyte ducked into the room and the door shut again. Chris had been the one to open and shut the door, and now he grinned stupidly at Liam.

“Hey dude, why are you arriving with Blyte? You guys aren't dating are you?”

Liam smacked him on the head while he removed the bandana from his face, stuffing it into the bag that hung from his belt loop. “Of course not, idiot. Stop joking around about things like that.” Liam's voice was flat, unemotional. He headed towards his seat at the table, and leaned his head against his hand in boredom. Blyte leaned against the table, grinning as she spoke to Alice, a girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail. All of them wore the same attire as Blyte and himself.

Chris came and sat next to Liam. “Skuds better get here soon,” he commented, watching the door. “Watch him come in through the ceiling or something cool like that instead of just using the plain old door.”

Liam looked at him with a small grin. “You would freak out because you can't do that though.”

Chris shrugged. “Doesn't matter, I wanna see him do it.” Chris flashed a grin.

Rasps on the door came in the small tune that let the inside know that it was safe to open the door. Alice stood, going to the door as silently as if she were a cat hunting her prey. She opened the door and a tall man walked into the room. Alice glanced outside the room to make sure nobody was there before shutting it and taking her seat again.

The man wore a long black coat, regular jeans, and a regular plain blue t-shirt. His eyes were hidden by glasses and his face was shadowed with a hat. Soon, he stripped off the black jacket and hat, sitting the hat in a chair and draping the coat over the back of the same chair. Blyte spun into her seat and the four of them stopped talking, looking at the man with interested eyes.

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