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 Luke shot a frightened look in his brother's direction. His hands were tied behind his back and he was pushed to his knees. Lily was in the same position he was, and their brother stood in front of them with three others Luke didn't recognize.

“Why do you guys have them like this?” Liam growled at the other three, his eyes narrowed into tiny dark amber slits. He wore high-heeled boots, sleek black pants, a tight black long sleeve shirt, and a bandana covering his face. If Liam was a cat, he'd be bristling. “Why are they here in the first place?!”

“They followed you. You know the rules.” The voice sounded familiar as a female spoke. She wore the same attire Liam did, they all did.

Liam gave an angry hand motion towards Luke and Lily. “They're my brother and sister! Of course they'd want to know what I do when I sneak off. But they are just like me, they won't say a word!”

“If it was my brother sitting there, you'd be in my position.” A boy spoke this time, his voice also having a familiar ring to it.

Another girl gave a small, shrill laugh. “Liam's turned soft.”

Liam glared at the girl. “Blyte's turned uncaring.” Luke and Lily now looked at the girl with the high pitched voice in realization. “If it was any of your siblings, I'd trust what you'd say about them.” Liam turned his fiery amber gaze to his siblings. “You won't speak a word, will you?”

“No.” Luke immediately shook his head.

Lily paused. “Only if you tell me what's going on.”

“Lily!” Liam snapped.

Lily sighed. “Fine.”

The first girl who spoke studied the two. “Maybe we'll just let Skuds decide what to do. Since it's a boy and a girl, he might recruit them.”

“Alice, there are already four of us, we don't need anymore.” The other boy commented.

Luke now knew why he recognized both females, he went to school with them, and he suspected he also went to school with the other boy, but he couldn't place a name.

“Better than having the first choice happen.” Liam's voice was back to being hard and emotionless.

“I dunno, sounds like a plan. I really don't want anything to happen to those two,” Blyte responded, glancing at the boy. “Come on, Chris, it's a team effort, you have to agree.”

Chris hesitated then sighed. “Fine, we'll wait for Skuds.”

Luke and Lily glanced at each other as Liam silently stalked over to them. They could both tell Liam was ticked off. Liam crouched in front of them, looking to resemble a cat, his dark amber eyes flicking back and forth between them.

“You two are idiots,” he growled, “I told you to never follow me and now this is what you get.” He paused, his gaze flicking between the two once again. Luke seemed to draw into his shell while Lily stared at Liam, dark amber gaze meeting dark amber gaze. Liam gave a defeated sigh. “Idiots. Now Skuds has to deal with you.”

Liam stood back up and gave silent strides towards the others. Luke and Lily kept absolutely still. Alice shot a look at the two, and Luke thought he could see admiration in the depths of her blue eyes. Chris' arms were crossed over his chest, and even though a bandana covered his mouth, it was clear he was frowning. Blyte winked at Lily and Luke before her and Liam turned and disappeared into the darkness.

“You two suck at spying,” Chris commented, glaring at them. “You will never become good spies.” Alice shot an annoyed look at Chris.

“Oh, thanks for the compliment and support,” Lily retorted.

Chris pulled off his bandana and shrugged, sticking the bandana in the pouch that hung from his belt loop. Alice did the same with her's then leaned against the wail, staring at where Liam and Blyte disappeared to.

“Where'd Liam go?” Luke's question was hesitant, almost like he was afraid to speak.

“Him and Blyte went to go get Skuds. They'll be back in about thirty or twenty minutes,” Chris answered, glancing at the two of them.

“Great, are we just going to sit here until they come back?” Lily gave them a challenging look.

“Yup,” Alice responded then glanced at them. “You my be lucky. Hopefully Skuds won't be too hard on you since you're Liam's brother and sister.”

Luke gave a shiver, burying his chin in the scarf wrapped around his neck. Lily glared amber fire at them.

“They'll keep quiet!” Liam protested, standing between his siblings and the others. “They won't say a word.”

“Liam..” Skuds voice rung with warning.

“They won't!” Liam growled at him, his amber gaze steady.

“You will be kicked off this team if you don't move.” He warned.

Blyte, Alice, and Chris all moved together to go stand between the siblings and Skuds. They might not agree with Liam protesting against it, but he was their friend, and they wouldn't let Liam get kicked off. They all stood in silence for three long minutes before Skuds sighed and put his hand to his forehead.

“Fine. If they say one word, they'll wind up dead,” Skuds warned, glaring between the four spies at Luke and Lily.

Liam deflated in relief. “They won't say a word.”

“Good.” Skuds put his hat back on and left without another word.

Liam turned to his siblings, voice sharp. “Hear that? Not a word.” The two siblings nodded and Liam went over to cut their rope and help them up.  

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