The Dance

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 Luke frowned at Lily and Liam, holding his scarf close to his neck. He wore a black and white tux that looked, as Lily put, quite stupid with his scarf on. Luke huffed.

“I'm not taking it off.”

“Why not? Do you know how stupid you look?” Lily pouted at him, wearing a short blue sleeveless dress with a big silver-chained necklace.

“Then I'm not going.”Luke countered, crossing his arms.

“You already paid!” Lily also crossed her arms. “Take off the scarf.”

“We are going to be late. He can wear the scarf if he wants.” Liam pushed himself off of the wall, looking at his siblings.

Lily pouted and grumbled a fine, Luke smirking in triumph. The siblings left the house wearing their nice clothes, heading towards the school. The wind ruffled Lily's dress but she didn't seem to mind. Liam walked confidently in his tux, Luke fiddling with his scarf as the wind tried to tug it off his neck.

“It's a school dance so you're off, right?” Liily asked, watching Liam with curiosity. “And the others too right?”

Liam fought not to tense at the mention of his job. “Yea.”

Lily grinned and leaned close to Liam to whisper in his ear. “Operation Luke and Alice?”

Liam glanced at her with a smirk. “I don't even know if she's going to the dance,” he whispered back.

Luke frowned behind them, trying to strain his ears to hear what the two were saying. All he heard was mumbling, so with a sigh, he went back to his own world.

The three entered the school gym. It was packed with people and music boomed all around. Liam glanced around at all the people, looking for a black haired girl that him and Lily hoped would be there. Liam frowned when he didn't see her.

Lily pointed. “There she is.”

Liam glanced over towards where Lily pointed and the two siblings smirked. “Coming, Luke?” The three made their way over to the girl with the long black ponytail. Luke frowned at his siblings when he recognized the girl as Alice.

“Hey, Alice.” Lily greeted with a grin.

Alice glanced at them and nodded her head in greeting. She wore a short black dress, fingerless black dress gloves that after her wrists turned into black lace. Mascara lined her eyes and she wore black eye shadow with dark red lipstick. Liam and Lily stood together while Luke stood to the side. Alice glanced at him with dark blue hues.

“You two stay here, we'll go get food.” Before anybody could protest, Lily and Liam disappeared into the crowd of people. Luke stared after them with wide eyes, wrapping the scarf closely around his neck.

“Idiots.” Alice's voice contained no emotion as she spoke. Once again she glanced at Luke, seeming to examine him.

Luke shifted, silent. His eyes darted around for any signs of his siblings, hating that they left him alone in a room full of people.

“Are you okay, Luke?” Alice asked, looking him over. “Liam and Lily aren't planning on coming back for a while.”

Luke glanced at her and nodded, pulling the scarf even tighter around his neck. Once again he looked for his siblings in the crowd.

“You don't do well in public places without them, do you?” she looked at him steadily and when he gave a hesitant shake of his head, she moved closer to him, taking his hand in her's. His hand tightened around hers. She gave a small tug and headed towards the corner where nobody was. “It'll be find, Luke.”

Luke calmed in the corner, grateful for the lack of people. He looked at her with an amber gaze identical to his brother's. “Thanks.”

Alice gave him a rare smile as she leaned against the wall, watching the crowd. “Why do you wear the scarf?”

Luke glanced at her, uneasy. “I like it, I dunno why.” The lie slipped out easily; he was use to saying it.

“I mean the real reason.” Alice watched him with her steady dark blue gaze.

Luke looked at her in surprise for a moment then shrugged and looked away.

“Hey Alice, Luke.” A voice greeted them as Blyte walked out of the crowd. She wore a short red dress where the sleeves turned into gloves. Her short brown bangs were pulled out of her face by a barrette, showing her bright hazel eyes.

Alice nodded a hello and Luke gave a small wave. In all reality, Blyte and Chris scared him. He didn't know if it was their job, or their personality, though if it was their job he'd be afraid of Alice and Liam too, but he wasn't.

Blyte grinned at Alice, taking her hands in her own and clasping them together. “My, my, Alice! You look so pretty! I'm actually surprised you came, I didn't know dances were your thing.”

Luke saw Alice hesitate before she nodded over to him. He wondered why she was lying, but while he was lying about his scarf, he had no right to ask.

“Luke asked me to come.” Alice watched Blyte with steady dark blue eyes.

Blye blinked her hazel ones and glanced at Luke, then looked back at Alice with a smirk. “Aw, how cute,” she teased, watching Alice. Alice rolled her eyes and pulled her hands away from Blyte's. Blyte gave a small frown then looked at Luke. “Do you know where Liam is? I have to talk to him.”

“Is it about that?” Alice asked with open curiosity.

Blyte nodded. “Yea, I'll tell you details later.”

Luke shrugged. “I don't know where Liam is, he left us with Lily a while ago. They said they were going to get food.”

Blyte gave a grin. “All Lily's idea I bet. Bye guys.” With that, Blyte turned and left, disappearing into the crowd.

Alice sighed and once again leaned against the wall. “Sorry I used you as an excuse. She's probably thinking the wrong way now.”

Luke shrugged and glanced around. “It's fine.” He buried his chin in his scarf, trying to hide the faint redness that he knew now tinted his cheeks. It was the girl who was suppose to act like he was, not the boy. He bit his lip, wondering how Liam and Lily thought this would work.

“I should go find Liam and Lily too, you stay here.” Alice pushed herself off the wall and started to stride back towards the swarming crowd.

Instinctively, Luke's arm bolted out and grabbed her arm. The grip threw Alice off balance and she fells backwards onto Luke, Luke's back bumping against the wall with his arms around Alice's waist. They stood still for a moment, both trying to calm themselves, Alice's back leaning against Luke's chest. After a moment, Alice turned in his arms so she could look up at him. Amber gaze met dark blue gaze as they looked at each other. Alice's gaze left his to look at his neck, then her arms moved and Luke quickly regained his composure to let go. Alice fixed his scarf so it was back to how he had it then stepped away.

“I won't be long, nobody will hurt you.”

Luke stared after her as she vanished among the people.

Luke was gone by the time she came back with Liam and Lily. He swallowed his fear and shoved through the crowd until he was out of the building and walking down the street towards the house.

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