Luke's Past

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I walked in the mall with my brother and sister. We were following our parents and I was trailing a little bit behind them, absorbed in making sure that I didn’t step on any cracks. I didn’t want my Mommy’s back broken of course! I giggled to myself and didn’t see the others turn into a store, so I just kept going, skipping down the hall trying not to step on cracks and thinking I was still following them. After a while, I looked up to say something to Lily but they were gone, and I was alone.

My breath started to come quicker and quicker, my body starting to shake. I had never been separated from my parents before, much less my brother and sister. I desperately looked around the mall, seeing people walking by and not even noticing me. Tears started racing down my cheeks as I sobbed, not liking being all alone.

“Are you alone little boy?”

The man’s voice sounded nice, so I turned around. The man was tall, had a brown-gray beard and mustache, and hid his eyes under a hat, though I saw they were green cause he was looking down at me. I threw myself around his leg and cried, like any five year old would who had lost their way. The man patted my back calmingly and led me around the mall. I thought he was helping me find my parents, and that he was the most amazing guy in the world to know who they were, but I was wrong.

He led me outside and around the corner. I shuddered at the frosty air and looked up at him, my amber eyes puffy and red from crying. “You think my parents would be out here?” I asked, my voice hoarse. The guy just looked down at me and smirked, taking me off his leg and putting me against the wall, his hands on my shoulders.

“No, I don’t think so. You are out here for a different reason, kid.” The guy grinned and kept one hand strong against my shoulder while the other went to the zipper of my pants. My eyes widened in fear as he unbuttoned them and slipped them down off my hips and onto the ground.

The frosty air hit me and I shuddered, I also tried to run, but that didn’t work out too well. I was back to crying, big giant tears rolling down my cheeks and snot coming from my nose. The guy laughed and slipped off my underwear then without any hesitation, grabbed my length. At this point, I was struggling and kicking and trying to scream but the hand moved off of my shoulder and nailed me in the head, knocking me onto the ground. He sat on top of me, my length still in his hand, his other hand exploring my body.

This went on for a about a half hour, nobody coming to help to my whines and my attempted screams, nobody stopping the man from touching my body. Finally though, the guy got off and left me there, half dressed. My fingers were pretty much frozen at the time, and snow had started to fall. I fumbled to pull on my underwear and pants and ran back into the mall, snot-crying and not caring if I stepped on cracks. My family had found me curled up next to a soda machine and Lily and Liam pretty much tackled me with relief. They just thought I got sidetracked, and I want to keep it that way.

To this day, nobody knows that I went through that, and I hope to take that secret to the grave. Maybe one day I’ll tell someone, but I know I’m not ready to yet. For now, I’ll just stick to following Liam around and protecting my sister Lily.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 10, 2011 ⏰

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