you are good at both....

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dhanush: we will continue to tease them.
ani: but why?
gayu:omg ok guys lets stop talking about the two hot tempered girls.
dhanush: how do you know that they are hot tempered?
you: we can see that they are.
dhanush: how??
gayu: when ani was staring at (Y.N).
ani: how did you know that I was staring at her?
gayu: I saw it
ani: how?
gayu: with my eyes.
ani: no.. I mean how did you came to know that I was staring at her?
gayu: I was looking at you when anitha was singing
ani: oh.
gayu: omg. ani you know something?
ani: I wont know until you tell what is it.
gayu: you are good at singing and.
ani: ya I know
ani: okok chill.
gayu: you are good at singing and asking questions.
ani: why
gayu: you asked me four questions for just a sentence I say.

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