Section Two

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I strongly dislike it when writers ask for votes, comments, and fans. Now, I admit I've been a culprit for doing this one time before, but I soon realized how annoying it was and never reminded people to vote or comment again.

So why do I hate how people do this?

Simply because the reader can VOTE, COMMENT, or FAN whenever the ding dong they want.

The reason someone would vote is because they like your story. The reason someone would comment is to express how they feel, whether it's a good or bad. The reason someone would fan you is because they like in general your style of writing.

Don't just ask for votes, comments, or fans; you have to earn it.


Generic comments stink like horse dookie (and I'm not kidding, horse dookie stinks). The few worded comments such as: Good!, Great., Awesome, Nice, upload more!, I like it, Good job.

It always makes me wonder if the person who said that even read the story.


Hello, welcome to Earth, the planet where humankind live. There are different types and varieties of humans all different and individual in their own way. Many groups of humans are classified to the names: Asian, Hispanic, African American, Native American, and Pacific Islander.

Though for some reason, on planet Wattpad, an average human would be a blonde, tan, and obnoxious white girl, or a an unfortunate-but-still-cute and always-getting-the-hotties brunette chick who's also white. The male existence have either black, brown, or blonde hair and gorgeous green or blue eyes, with a drop-dead body to die for - with nice abs, almost forgot the abs.

We believe that this is tied to the stereotypes played in chick flicks and "wishful thinking" from teenage girls. Why writers wouldn't rather bless their characters with unique personalities and features of normal people instead of the ones of an ill-advised supermodel-robot? We'll never know.


When the main character introduces herself in the first chapter. This is a little overplayed, and really, the character just can't stop time and start talking to an invisible being about herself.

Hi, my name is Donkey Kong. I have a hairy butt and gorgeous legs. I don't like popular girls, because all popular girls are prissy bitches who think they're all that, and I also don't like boys. Wait, it's the other way around. I'm not supposed to know this, but I'm actually really attractive. Sssshh, don't tell anyone I told you that until we get to the next chapter where I'll meet another super cute boy who will soon date and bam me and call me gorgeous and tell me how the other guys would be jealous, and then that's when I realize I'm actually really pretty. Yeah, and a few chapters after that a lot of crazy drama will happen. And it'll be like a rerun of Mean Girls, except in crappy text version!


Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers or Taylor Lautner or Whoever-the-Hell-is-a-Male-Teen-Star fan fiction. Eh, it's just kind of . . . weird in a way. I don't exactly think this is wrong, but it's just . . . maybe a little scary?

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