Section Five

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Yeah, I hate when people do that. I’m all for the NO PLAGIARISING! message, because, well stealing someone’s work is definitely like a penguin, it don't fly! But you don’t need to restate that your story is copyrighted, because it was sort of already stated near the description box.

And  it’s not really necessary to state that you wrote the story . . . because, well, that’s kind of expected already. You know, that box Wattpad makes you check off before you post a story? Yeah, by checking that off, it means what you’re posting isn’t by someone else.

So if the work wasn’t yours, then it wouldn’t be on Wattpad in the first place anyway.

Er, will I be fined? Probably not because no one knows your phone number or home address, so. . . .

BUT, I know that Karma will get you. Oh, limitless, sometimes-irrational, Karma.

And Guilt too, he’ll  follow you like Death. (Ooooo.)

Oh, and almost forgot about Life! She’ll practically run you over. God, Life’s a bitch.


How most of the writer’s population on Wattpad are girls. I think it’s nice having guys write, I actually think they’re a lot better than the majority of girls on here.

And, I mean, a lot of girls on here are really, really young which brings us to the next point. 


I’m all for the “young writers” thing ‘cause it’s good for their future and everything, but to be honest , when they’re on Wattpad . . .

It sucks, a lot. Really, all they think about are boys and love and becoming a teenager. And come on, eleven-year-olds should not be thinking (or even knowing for some) about relationships, affairs, kissing, curse words, alcohol, partying, sex, hangovers, Justin Bieber, what “spiking” means, and all the other things eleven-year-olds shouldn’t know.

Though somehow, they do, and they share it on Wattpad. And it ain’t all that great.

I mean, if just by reading it I can tell that your year of birth is after 2000, then it obviously isn’t.

But what's the worse part? They get more than five hundred votes and a few hundred fans!


Reads for reads is one of the most stupid things on Wattpad that I have ever heard of. It makes me sad to think that it’s rare to see someone post a discussion saying they’ll read your story with no catch (and that they actually do read it).

If everyone can just stop trying to advertise their stories and just start reading other people’s stuff, we wouldn’t need this.


When people claim they’ll read your story with no catch . . . but then they don't. It’s just disappointing.


I hate when people thank their fans for fanning! It’s inevitable that I start to not care about what they commented in a discussion, or what they commented on someone else’s message board. But when someone already thanked me for becoming a fan, man would it send me on a guilt trip once I click “Remove me from fans”. It’s like she’ll remember you, and know when you un-fan them. I hate it!


You just CAN’T share your story on a discussion, then the next day share another link to a different story of yours! THAT’S CHEATING!


“You know what I hate?” I ask.

“You know, ‘hate’ is a strong word. Say ‘dislike.’” you say.

“Well I say ‘hate’ just to exaggerate—hey, I rhymed!”

“Okay, I guess. You also realize you used past tense and now you’re using present, right?” You reluctantly ask and look away.

“Oh, yeah, I know. But this whole thing isn’t a story so I can be as ironic as I want.” I smile.

“What did you want to say?”

“You know what I hate?”


“When a whole chapter has only dialogue, and a few descriptions.”


“Like this.”



“This is . . .”


“Yeah, and . . .”

“Non-descriptive or detailed?”

“Yeah, and . . .”


“And don’t you—“

“Hate very short sentences? Affirmative.”


Weird naming. And I’m not saying non-white names (Javier, Mei, Amari), I mean stuff like naming one of your characters Summer, and her best friend Winter.


I think this is the finish line, for my rants at least. That’s one thing I hate about Wattpad, the end of good stories.


Though every end is a beginning, right?

(Yes, I’m serious about this.)

(I ended perfectly, didn’t I? *^*)

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