Weird Dreams

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AN-So I hope this lives up to the original.

Sang POV

I stand in a sea of black. As I look around, elven doors pop into existence. Looking at the doors there is nothing to distinguish the doors from each other. Just as I am taking a step forward, a voice booms out of nowhere. "Choose wisely. The Fate of a world depends on the choices you make." I am looking around wildly, trying to figure out who is talking. I shout, "What do you want? What do you mean a world depends on me?" The voice chuckles, "I can't explain. You will find out in due time. Now, choose a door and choose wisely." Looking at all the doors, I walk up to each one. The first door didn't feel any different then a regular door. Placing my hand on the other doors, I feel a slight pull towards each door. Until the last door, when I place my hand on this door it feels like a bolt of lightening went down my arm. It didn't hurt, it actually felt pleasant. Back away from the doors to my original position, I ask, "How am I supposed to choose? What do they represent?" For a few minutes no one responds, just as I am about to repeat my self he responds. "The way to choose is going through the door that calls to you the most. Each door represents a path for the future. Before you ask, no I can't influence your choice. This choice is entirely yours to make. However, once you choose you can't go back." After a few minutes, I walk towards the last door. Stopping right in front of the door, I grip the knob and slowly twist the door open. As I pull the door wide, the other doors disappear. I walk through the door and the floor drops from underneath me. As I fall, I hear a women's voice chanting.

Our savior will come, to end the rein of darkness

In the land of Creoso, a ruler will come

To bring the light back into power

With the help of the nine guardians.

The ruler will grasp the power of Shifting and Light

Putting the people first, Our savior

shall make Creoso prosper once again.

The Darkness shall be...

As the chanting starts to trail off, I hear a beeping noise. I open my eyes to the ceiling of my room. I lay there pondering what that women was going to say. Leaning over, I shut off my alarm and roll out of bed. Getting up I change into an outfit for school. Looking in the mirror, I see an ordinary girl that doesn't stand out in a crowd. Heading downstairs lost in thought, I don't realize my mother was still home. Walking into the kitchen, I look up to see her walking out the door. Being an only child with parents that don't give a damn, can get tiring fast. I remember when I was little. I learned several languages and sports to try to please my parents and get their attention. It never worked. All it did was isolate me from the other kids my age. Shaking my head at my own thoughts, I grab my toast and walk out the door. Time to go to hell. Otherwise known as Ashely Waters High School. Heading towards the bus stop, I put the weird dream behind me.


I'm freefalling. I flip over and see the ground coming up fast. As I brace for impact, something grabs me. Looking at my waist, I see a large black scaled claw gripping me. I look around wildly and see eight black dragons flying around me and, looking up, the dragon that caught me.  Closing my eyes tight, I try not to faint. The dragon landed on the ground and gently laid me down. As I contemplated getting up the other eight dragons land. When the last one landed, I stood up and opened my eyes. Standing in a line from biggest to smallest, are nine black dragons. As I stare, they start to glow. The light gets stronger and stronger, until-----BEEEEEEEP.

Looking up I see that I am in my third period English with Ms. Johnson. As I wake up, kids start filing out the door to head to fourth period. I grab my stuff and start walking towards the door. Before I can get to the door, Ms. Johnson says, "Sang, come here." I head over to her, and she continues. "I am giving you a detention. Before you ask why, it's because you fell asleep in my class. The detention is for after school. Don't miss it." I nod and grab the slip. It's not as if my parents will notice me getting home late anyway, and I had no plans. Although I am getting tired of all these weird dreams. Hopefully, tonight they will stop. The rest of the day is uneventful. As the last bell of the day rings, I grab my stuff and head for the front door. Right as I get to the door, I remember my detention. Turning around and heading to the office, I go right up to the old lady that runs reception. Clearing my throat, I try to gain her attention. She looks up from her computer screen and gives me a dirty look. "What?" She demands.

 "I was given a detention today. Where do I go?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes and says, "The teacher that was supposed to supervise detention forgot and left school early. All of todays detentions have been changed to tomorrow. Come back tomorrow." I nod and turn towards the front door. As I walk out, I see that the buses had already left. Guess I get to walk home today. I start walking home. 

An hour into my walk, a strange feeling comes over me. A tug from the center of my chest. Its pulling me towards a warehouse on the side of the street. Looking around, I don't see anyone around. As I head towards the warehouse, I study it. The warehouse is unlocked and it doesn't look abandoned. Walking up to the door, I grab the handle. As I start to twist the knob, a bolt of energy shoots up my arm. As I open the door, I get a sense of déjà vu.  

AN-Alright here is the first chapter. I hope you like it. Please vote and comment. Let me know how much you like it. I really love the comments. They keep me writing. I read every comment made on my stories. I hope the wait was worth it. Until next time...

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