Waking up...Maybe

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AN- Hello. Now, I would like to say I did warn you that Gabe was going to cuss a lot. His character curses more when the situation is more intense. I figured he would be cursing up a storm considering he just met the Chosen One. Also, he doesn't say most of the cursing, most of it is in his head. That being said I will tone it down a little next time I do anything from his POV. Without further ado here is the next part.

Sang POV

As I slowly wake up, I reflect on the weird dreams I have been having lately. First the voices, then the dragons (twice), and now some wacko guy with some major control issues. I might want to mention them to mom, if I can catch her before she leaves. My forehead furrows as I realize that I can't hear my alarm clock going off. I open my eyes to figure out why. Only to see a ceiling that was definitely not from her bedroom. Jack-knifing in the middle of the bed, I look around the room. Whoever's room this is, it is awesome. Easily the same size as the entire second story of her house, the room is furnished with what looks like the best fabric and furniture possible. The room is a range of colors. However, the colors are placed in such a way that the room would look incomplete if a single color or piece was missing. Looking closer, I see that there are two doors to the right of the bed, not to far away, and a third door on the farther side of the room to the left. Just as I am contemplating about investigating the two doors on the right, someone knocks on the door to the left.

"May I come in?", a smooth baritone asks from the other side of the door. I clutch the blankets to me and call out.

"Yes." At my answer, the door opens to reveal a man and a women standing in the large hallway outside of the room. The man is dressed in a pirate shirt and black slacks and the women is dressed in an old-fashioned maids dress. She was carrying a breakfast trey. She set the trey on the table near the door, curtsied then left the rom, closing the door softly. The man stood there, watching me as I watched the maid. When I looked at him he finally spoke.

"I know you might be a little confused. I am here to make you more comfortable and lead you to the room that The Nine are in so that they can explain everything to you. Here is your breakfast. I will be right outside the door if you have any questions. My name is Ralph." With that Ralph walked out of the room.

I stared at the door. Not quite believing that just happened. Who are the Nine? Why would they know what was happening to me? Shaking my head I put those thoughts aside. I can't find the answers sitting in this bed. I get up and walk to the table. Seeing a regular breakfast of eggs and bacon, I sigh in relief. After finishing the food, I head for the door before realizing that I am in a nightgown. I start blushing. Who changed my clothes? Going to the door, I knock on it. "Ralph?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Is there a change of clothes I could use?"

"Yes ma'am. May I come in?"

I start to nod before I remember he can't see me. "Yes."

I back up from the door and he entered. He crossed the room to on of the two doors I noted earlier. He opens one door and walks in. I follow him in to one of the biggest closets I have ever seen. this is every girls dream closet." Everything in this closet is yours. You can use anything in here. I will be outside so you can change." I stare at the closet. I pick a pair of black slacks and a pretty pink blouse. I also grab a pair of boots fro the back of the closet. I can't believe all of this is mine.

This outfit with a pink shirt instead

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This outfit with a pink shirt instead.

Here is the closet. Not quite as modern glitter, but you get the picture.

 Not quite as modern glitter, but you get the picture

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I walk back to the door that leads to the hallway. "Ralph? I'm ready." I open the door to see him standing right there waiting for me. He smiles at me and gestures that I should follow. He leads me down the hallway and I see four more doors before we came to a grand staircase. on the other side of the staircase I see a hallway that is a mirror image of the hallway I just walked down. Looking down the staircase, I see three floors and the grand front door. I looked up and see three more floors. Ralph turns up the stairs and leads me up the stairs until we get to the final floor. To the right of the stairs is a giant gym with mat flooring. To the left is a hallway of doors. Ralph goes to the left and leads me down the hallway and I count the doors as we go down we reach the second to last door. The ninth door. Ralph knocks on the door.

A deep voice calls out. "Come in."

Ralph gives me an encouraging smile and opens the door.


Alright birdies. Here is your chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Not as much cursing in this one.

Lots of Love. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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