Chapter 31

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Louis' birthday
Yesterday was amazing, I can't believe Rachel managed to fit everything we did in one day, honestly first the boys were over ours then the doorbell went and my parents and sisters were there and then the last thing I know is that we have a really steamy night. But u wouldn't change it for the world. I woke up this morning to Rachel still fast asleep and naked, but she had a perfect body so I didn't care that she was naked. I kissed her cheek and she began to stir and turned over and kissed my lips

"Good morning sexy, merry Christmas" she says
"Good morning to you too my sexy, beautiful, amazing girlfriend. Merry Christmas too you too" I say and she smiles
"I enjoyed last night" I said
"As did I" she says and we get out of bed and open a few presents

That day was also busy, the boys dropped off presents as they were seeing their families and we had Rachel's and my family here luckily we had room. This was the best Christmas ever

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