Chapter 42

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Louis' pov

so today is Rachel's six month scan and we find out the gender today and me and the boys were so excited and so was Rachel we had just arrived at the clinic and all the boys said they would meet us there, and they were all standing outside waiting for us. we all went in and asked for our appointment and we went in. DR faith looked surprised

"hi guys I see you brought the rest of the family" she says

"yep they wanted to know the gender" rachel says

"well ok then lets get started" she says and Rachel lays on the bed with help from me because I picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed

Dr faith places the blue gel on Rachels stomach and I hold her hand and we stare at the screen, our little baby poped up and all the boys aww'd

"so guys do you want to know the gender" dr maslow says

"yes please" Rachel replies

"ok well guys you are having a baby girl congratulations" she says

she cleans Rachel up and she gets off the bed and we walk out and go for lunch

we arrive at Nando's and we go into conversation and Liam says

"so guys now you know its a girl and me and Dani are the god parents what is the name going to be" he says

"I don't know what do you think Rachel" I say

"hmm i think Olivia may Tomlinson what do you think" she says

"I think its a wonderful name good choice" i say

we eat lunch with the boys and then we all go home and thats when we decide we need to go shopping and stuff for Olivia Mays room this is the best felling ever I cannot believe I was going to have a baby girl and I will protect her through everything

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