Plan part 1

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Sydney's POV/ Please Read The A/N.

  It has been pretty weird between Zeke and I, ever since the KISS it seems like we can't talk, or do anything with each other. I just want it to go back NORMAL!!! The Winter Formal is coming up. Well actually.... it is in a week. OH-NO, Scarlet is moving in 2 days. I have to convince her parents to let her stay until the Winter Formal. I have a new mission to do, Zeke will just have to wait, and if he asks me I will SO say yes but if he doesn't... well I'll just have to get another date.

Scarlet's Pov 

" SCARLET!!! SSCCAARRLLEETT!!!!!! " yelled Arbre. " H huh, w what time i is it." I asked sleepily. " Time for church." said Arbre, at that I sprung out of bed, running to the bathroom, with my clothes. I put on a blue dress with floral design on it with nude color heels.


That was a pretty cool servce, the 5-8 graders from St.Lucas (The church she goes to and where I go to) sang a very pretty song. After church I changed into a blue shirt that has the numbers 22 on it, white jean shorts, white platform sandals, and a white watch.  Then since we live by a beach, only about 3 blocks away, I walk to the beach, since there is a restaurant there called " Shells ". Once I got there I saw Zeke, he looked sad so I said " Hey Zeke, is there something wrong. " " Ya, It's just..... ever since I kissed Syd, it seems like we can't talk to each other. " he said very sadly. Wait, did he say they KISSED I knew they would soon, anyway I need to think of something to get those two back together. " Well, if I think of something I will tell you, that is to get you and Syd talking to each other. " I said. " Thanks. " Zeke said, a little happier. Then Uriah texted me 

U: What r u doing.

S: Nothing much, just helping Z get Syd to talk to him with out making it weird.

U: Oh, well do you want to help me set up for the Winter Formal later, at 3:30.

S: Sounds good :) Wait isn't that in a week?

U: Ya, but we need to go over what to get and what the budget is.

S: Ok, I'm still in :)

Then I get a call from my mom...


Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that I did not think of the part when Zeke and Syd can't talk to eack other because it is very weird for them. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I got the Idea from jelsalover14's book, Jelsa/The Big Six In Highschool. Also I wanted to tell you guys I will be making A/N in almost all my chapters now, and if it is important I will put want I did in this chapter. Oh, and thanks for 54 reads. THANK-YOU! 


Good bye.

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