Together Once More

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Sydney's POV ( 5 years later )

As I walk around town, I notice a white truck is pulling up to my house, so I run to my house and see who it is. When I get inside my mom is talking to someone who looks very familiar. When the woman turns around I instantly recognize her.

" Scarlet?! " I ask, more in shock than happiness.

" The one and only. " She replies, smirking at me.

I run over to her and instantly hug her. I'm so happy to she her but,

" Why are you here, " I ask

" Well....... can't I see my best friend? " she says, making me burst into a fit of laughter.

" I'm only here for today, so lets go and have fun! " Scarlet exclaims.

Soon we hop in my car and we are off to the movie theater.

TIMESKIP ( 2 hours )

We ended up watching The Conjuring 2, and might I say, I didn't look for 90% of the time. Scarlet of the other hand watched the whole thing, and didn't even scream, or jump back from the jump-scares.

" That movie was the best! We have to see it again some time. " Scarlet exclaims.

" I don't know about that...." I trail off, causing Scarlet to start laughing.

" Anyways...... are you still with Zeke? " She asks, after she is done laughing.

" No, we broke up three years ago because the long-distant relationship wasn't working out. " I say, slightly sad, " Neither of us wanted it, but we agreed that it was for the best. " I finished, with a solemn look on my face.

" I understand, but maybe if you guys see each other in the future you can work something out, " she says, with a hopeful look on her face. I just look at her and smile, nodding my head.


It's time for Scarlet to go back to Florida, and saying that I'm sad is and understatement, I'm crying so much, and so is Scarlet.

" I promise I'll visit again soon ok? " She says in between sobs, all I do is nod and hug her one last time.

" Plane 28 for Florida is now boarding, I repeat, Plane 28 for Florida is now boarding "

Soon Scarlet is walking towards the gateway, and soon she disappears into the plane. As I watch the plane take off, I walk off, and soon I'm on path that Zeke, Uriah, Scarlet, and I found when we were 12, and we called it The Pathway. I thought this was the end of our story, but its only the beginning.


Hey Guys! Soooooo this is the end, I hoped you liked it, but as I've said in a previous chapter, I AM MAKING A SEQUEL, so don't get all mad at me for ending it when there WILL be a sequel, all I have to say is, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE * drumroll * 286 reads!!! OMG that is unbelieveable!! Anyways, I know this chapter is boring but it's just a filler-type of chapter. I love you guys soo much and bye!

Your Amazed Author,


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