The Great Fairy Counsel

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Up on the peak of the world the fairy counsel was assembled gathered under one roof were some of the most famous fairies of all time. Such as Cinderella's fairy godmother, Tinkerbell, the tooth fairy, sugar plum fairy, the trickster king, Puck, the fairy king Oberon, and his queen  Titania. There at their circle table they watched the struggles of the fairy people and decide how they should help.
"What should we do with the toy maker Geppetto?" Boomed Oberon through the crowd, "We have currently stranded him in the pumpkin shell of Peter Peter."
"Peter Peter pumpkin eater had a wife but couldn't keep her," Puck sang at the right seat of Oberon, "put her in a pumpkin shell -snicker- and there he kept her not so well"
"I vote," Titania chimed silencing Puck, "that we leave him there,  Penelope Peter has been stuck in that shell for eons" "But poor Blu Farrah" Sugar Plum said, "she is currently down there fighting off those suitors just with the hope that Geppetto is still alive."
"I vote," Titania chimed silencing Puck, "that we leave him there,  Penelope Peter has been stuck in that shell for eons" "But poor Blu Farrah" Sugar Plum said, "she is currently down there fighting off those suitors just with the hope that Geppetto is still alive."
"Well that is not fair to her or him," Tinker Bell giggled, "just let them go from their struggles."
"Very Well!!" Oberon boomed even louder, "Puck go down to the pumpkin and tell Penelope to let him go."
"Right-o Pops" Puck said taking from his seat, "And Puck," Oberon said quieter this time.
"What?" Puck said a little annoyed.
"Try not to prank anyone." everyone in the room said, every time they sent Puck out do something they always have to tell him that so he wouldn't have an excuse.
"And Bell," Oberon boomed again at his usual volume, "Go send Glinda to check with the family of Geppetto see what they think of the suitors."
"Okay Dokay" Bell giggled and flew out the door.
"I now end this meeting of the Fairy Counsel." Oberon boomed before he too was out the door.

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