Penelope Peter

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Puck arrived late in the night at the steps of the pumpkin shell, a normal person would knock on the door, but not Puck he likes to make a great entrance. Instead he burst through the window and landed on the kitchen table in a pile of broken glass
"I'm here!!!!" Puck said in a heroic voice, "By the name of Oberon I say let Geppetto free." It was only after his speech that he realized that no one was in the room. Puck scurried around the house opening doors and closing them, after several minutes of searching he found a pale woman seated on her bed.
"Hello Penelope Peter?"
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Down on earth Glinda the good witch made her way down the streets and to the little toy shop where the Blue Fairy currently lived in. Using her magic, Glinda disguised her self as a royal soldier and marched into the shop door. Outside  cuddled in a corner was a strangly round man whose arms were short and skinny and his face on his chest, She was about to step into the shop when a little boy greeted her, he had a strangely large nose and weird skinny limbs.
"Hello sir" young Pinocchio said, "Are you to looking for my mom?"
"No sweet boy I am not, I'm actually here to see you" Glinda guard said.
"What do you want of me?" the little boy chattered, "I've already got turned into a donkey, sold to a circus, and swallowed by a shark."
"I mean no harm I'm merely here to look to check out how you are doing with all the..."
Out in the distance there was the sound of horse hoofs and men cheers. "Hold that thought stranger, my mum's suitors are here, mother is always kind to people and she is having them feast in the store. I must prepare." Pinocchio dashed out into the shop to prepare a meal.
Glinda was about to move on when a hoarse voice shouted "Holt in the name of the king." Glinda turned to see that the suitors were royal guards, and... walking horses. "We are all the kings men, here with our mighty steeds. We know everyone of our troops and you're not one of them."
"Ugh" Glinda stammered off guard, "I'm from another kingdom and if you excuse me..." She didn't even wait for and answer, she dashed down the street to perform her magic again into her self. When she peaked around the corner, she caught a glimpes of the horses and men filing into the store, soon to be fallowed by the round man.
Puck arrived late in the night at the steps of the pumpkin shell, a normal person would knock on the door, but not Puck he likes to make a great entrance. Instead he burst through the window and landed on the kitchen table in a pile of broken glass
"I'm here!!!!" Puck said in a heroic voice, "By the name of Oberon I say let Geppetto free." It was only after his speech that he realized that no one was in the room. Puck scurried around the house opening doors and closing them, after several minutes of searching he found a pale woman seated on her bed.
"Hello Penelope Peter?"
"Puck, welcome what brings you to my prison?"
"To tell the truth, I've been sent here to order you to release Geppetto"
"You cruel jealous fairies! You've ruined many relationships in this land. And now you will take my lover away even though I saved him from starving, nursed him to health, offered him a new life..."
"It's no use arguing with the will of Oberon"
"If Oberon commands it, let him be gone! But I have no traveling gear to give him, all I can do is point his way and advise him how to find his home again, the rest is out of my hands" 
"So be it then"
"And Penelope... I'd be more gracious towards the will of Oberon, if I were you, He may hear your words, and punish you" with that final comment Puck flew through the house and out into the night, while behind him Penelope Peter broke down into tears
After her excessive tears she slowly walked to the room that she has given to Geppetto. It had been 12 eons since she had married Peter Peter the towns fastest eater. After the affair he realized that with his career and livelihood to look after he couldn't keep a wife too. So he sent her to check on a nice little pumpkin shell to call home, but once she stepped inside Peter slammed the door and locked it.
She stepped into the little room, "You may now have my permission to brave the forest"
Geppetto looked up with a suspicious look on his face, "Set me free at last Brave the forest on my own O women what mischief do you have in mind? I'll never put to the woods in such a craft unless you were to swear me an oath to help and not hinder me with magic"
Penelope faked a pained expression, "I will help you to all of my power." she said with as much authority as she could.
"Thank you," he said with great sorrow, "Thanks for you great offers on a new life but I have a family to go back to, my lovely wife and my little boy Pinocchio." With those final words Geppetto embraced Penelope Peter with a fine hug.
When the morning dawn rose in the sky, Geppetto and Penelope started to work on the
supplies. Penelope made a weeks supply of pumpkin pie and they both embraced one final time before Geppetto left the pumpkin shell.

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