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I watched as Brittney and Tionne patted Faith on the back.

  "It's okay. Shh.." Brittney whispered.

  The room was filled with Faiths light sobs, and sniffles. I yawned and stretched my arms out.

  "What am I gonna do? I thought he loved me!"

  Faiths eyes were red, her skin was pale, and her hair was a mess. But to be honest, I wasn't feeling that sorry for her.

I mean, I know that sounds all cold and cruel but come on. It was very obvious Big and Kim had something going on. But I guess she thought everything was all good.

  "I feel like I'm gonna die." She yelled. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes.

  "Faith, stop that crying shit, and move the fuck on witcho life."

  Everyone stopped and looked at me, like I said something wrong.

  "What? I can't-"

   "Yes you can. That nigga ain't good enough for you. Don't be upset at this. You should be happy god sent you a sign that he was Doing you wrong. I mean, if you wouldn't have known, then when you find out later, y'all probably had like 3 kids and married. Now which do you think is better?"

  Faith wiped her tears and looked at me. All of a sudden she pulled me into a hug.

  "Thank you Lisa." I pried her arms from around me.

  "Yeah , yeah yeah your welcome. I ain't with all that mushy mess." Tionne, Faith, and Britney chuckled.

  "Whatever." I laughed and sat back.

  "Don't you think this is crazy?" Brittney said. I raised my eyebrow.

  "What's crazy?" Brittney shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms.

  "Everything." I stiffed a laugh.
  "Ain't that a bunch of life." I said and we all shared a laugh.

  "I know that's right." Tionne said while laughing.

   I realized that I have nothing one afraid of when I'm around that. Even though I ain't scared of nothing, I feel like if I was I wouldn't have to be worried about it around them. You feel me?

  Tionne is my sister. She truly is. Im gonna protect her. Better than I protected Reigndrop. Well, Raina if you wanna be specific. She's like my sister/ mother figure.

  I don't really talk about my mother, but I guess I'll start.

  My mother was a groupie as you know. Sold and did drugs, drank, stripped and everything else.

  My dad said that it look just like her. And I do. We have the same eyes, hair, skin tone, everything.

  Her and Raina are the only people I ever cry for.

  Suddenly I snapped out of my thoughts with the sound of the door opening.

  "Lisa?" Tupac's deep raspy voice filled my ears.

  "Lemme talk to you for a second." I sighed and leaned back.

  "I'm listening." Tionne punched me in the arm.

  "Ow! Ti-"

  "Go talk to him!"

  I sucked my teeth and got off of the couch and walked towards Tupac. He closed the doors behind us and leaned his arm against the wall.

  "What you want?" I said with full blown attitude. He smirked and lifted my chin.

  "You know what I want." I moved his hand away from my chin and rolled my eyes.

  "You get on my fucking nerves."

  "Does it look like I Give a fuck?"

   "Fuck you."


   I groaned and rolled my eyes in irritation. Tupac is the only person who can make me mad like that. He gets to the best of me.

   "Why are you trying so hard to get to me?"

  Tupac grabbed my hands and kissed them while looking me in the eyes.

   "Cause I love you. And I know you love me too."

   I looked down and blushed. I heard him slightly chuckle under his breath.

  "Look Lisa. I need you, badly. I can't sleep at night, cause you are on my mind,  I need you deeply. I can't go another day without you being mine."

  I looked up at him sighed,

  "Keep going." He shook his head and laughed.

"Your beautiful, sexy, smart, and unique. I like you ever since I was a 7th grade lame." I laughed and shook my head.

  "Id take a bullet for you Lisa. Mata fact a ka trillion zillion bullets for you. I don't care. I need you to be mine today!" He said while hugging my waist.

  I began to grow a little curious about something.

  "What part of me attracts you so much?" I asked while scratching the back if my neck.

  He stared at me for a while.
  "Really? after all that heart felt shit you asking me what looks the best about you?" I laughed and punched him in the chest.

  "Shut up and answer the question nigga!"

  He examined me for a while.

   "Your left eye."

   I tilted my head and confusion.


   "Your left eye.. It's smaller than the other. It's.. Sexy."

  I blushed and smiled at him.

  "So, what you say. You gonna be my one and onlee?"

   I sighed and felt the crazy person inside of me say, "bitch you better getcho man!" I laughed and took a deep breath.


Hey peoples.

Did ya like it? I know you did. Look like Lisa told a little about her mom and let her walls down for Tupac.

By the way. If you don't like my books don't read em. Don't leave no nasty shit in my comments. Cause if you try and come for me then I will come for you. I'm done tryna be nice.

  And don't vote on every single one of my chapters then start talking shit. I will get you deleted off wattpad and block your ass.






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