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"I see you came for another ass whooping." I replied, getting closer in her face.

  "Girl please, I got an ass whooping from Tupac all last night. I don't need yours." My face turned a shade of red. Trying not to believe her, I crossed my arms.

"He wou-"

"He wouldn't do that to you? You that delusional bitch?" A forced, hateful laugh echoed from her lips. A tear slipped from out of my eye as I pushed past her and out of the bathroom.

  "Jada damn, you-" I looked up to see Tupac leaned against the Men's bathroom. His mouth was wide open and guilt was written in his eyes.

"It's over." I ran past him to the front and out the door. I just ran, not knowing where to go. Or what to do. My mind was speaking lower than my feet.

  I turned the around to the corner store, stopping out of breath. I wiped the sweat particles from off my nose and hairline, then stood up straight, staring into the sunlight. I lost it. I slid down the brick wall, burying my head in my hands. Tears rapidly escaped my eyes.

  I felt like all the love that I put in was for nothing. All the promises he made were lies. But one thing couldn't do was push past the love and care and hope in my heart for him.

  I wasn't good enough. I wasn't the one having his baby. I wasn't the one. The only one.




"Lisa, stop you're going to be fine." Faith said while rubbing my back in circles.

"You're just saying that so I can shut up." I stuttered out, before crying again.

"Kim?" Tionne called out, while turning to face her.

"What? I don't know what to say. I've never seen her cry before." Tionne sucked her teeth then patted my back before I pulled away.

"What did I do man? What the fuck did I do so wrong that he had to go and break my heart and trust by sleeping and messing with that- that Bitch?!"

  "Fuck him Lisa. He's obviously stupid if he didn't realize what a beautiful person he had in his hands. He doesn't deserve you." Tionne whispered, causing chills to tremble down my back.

"But I love.."

  Kim and Faiths eyes widened tremendously. Kim had been numb to the "l word." Faith never really heard me say it.

"Lisa wait. You never know if Jada lied."

"Why would she lie? All my evidence was right there."

  "They could've been discussing the baby! She probably just said that to make you mad and break up with Tupac so her hoe ass could take him! You know that Lisa. You sound selfish and you're simply letting that bitch get to you. You need to talk to Tupac." Tionne said. Instantly making me furious.

  "I'm not talking to NOBODY. Just leave me THE FUCK ALONE." I yelled, getting frustrated.

   Silence took over the room. Kim and Faith stared at each other, while Tionne simply shook her head.

  "Yo, give us some time alone." Tionne said, shooing Kim and Faith out the room. They grabbed their stuff and left. Whatever Tionne had to say at this moment was irrelevant. Tupac hurt me and they were deaf to the fact that he was being unfaithful.

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