3. Tiki bar

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Your POV:

It’s past midday and you find a bar on the beach, it is more like a beach club. Already from outside you can year the beat of the music. It is not crowded, yet and you have to smile. Thank god. But you think a reason might be that it is too hot today. Nobody wants to get sunburnt and a lot people are probably staying at home to treat their skin with care. With your wet feet, due to the shallow water you are walking through, you run over the sand to the aforesaid beach bar. You are running because the sand is so hot and you do not want to burn your feet.

Assuaged you reach the bar and take off your sunglasses. It looks like you are in a Hawaiian bar or something like that. Around the bar there is a bamboo fence and the interior is built up of plywood and other certain types of wood. A thatched roof is placed on a few wooden pillars and everything is decorated with flowers. The tables look like dark green big palm leaves and torches are placed all around the bar which gives that edifice a romantic touch.

While looking around you decide to stay for a while in here. You sit down on a chair at the bar and the bartender smiles to you.

Bartender: “Aloha, young Lady. Would you like to drink something?”

You: “Yeah, I would. Do you have an idea what I should order?”

Bartender: “Well, what do you want? Something with alcohol, something refreshing or maybe just something sweet, like you are.”

Is that guy flirting? He is over 30!

 You: “I don’t think that booze is appropriate for this time of the day so I’d say I’d like to have some cooling drink.”

Bartender: “Well, then. How about a “Save Sex On The Beach”?

You: “Safe sex?”

Bartender: “Yeah. Fruity but without alcohol.”

You: “Sounds good. I’ll have it, please.”

The man nods and starts mixing something.

You look around again to see if there are some guys your age around. Then you detect a bunch of four girls sitting at a table and whispering to each other. They seem a bit perturbed and are looking towards the bathrooms. You shake your head and turn your gaze to another corner. Then you realize that there is a bag on the floor directly next to your bar chair. It must be the bag of a man as far as you can see and you also see a big camera in there. You have to smirk. That photographer will really have a good day to take some photos. The weather is perfect.

… : “Excuse me?”

You shriek up.

You: “Huh, what?”

The bartender is looking at you.

Bartender: “Your drink, young Lady!”

He gives you your glass. It is very cold.

You: “Oh, sorry. Uhm … thank you.”

He winks at you and then cleans the bar again.

You take a look at the liquid and then take a first gulp by means of the green straw. It is so delicious. You lick over your lips. You would love to stay in this bar forever. This day is so perfect. The sun is shining you are drinking and you can do whatever you want to until midnight. This might be the best day of your life so far. As you want to start drinking again you can feel someone tipping on your right shoulder. Shocked you turn around.

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